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A way of showing the sphere on the earth on the flat surface of a map.

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Q: What is a Mercator map?
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Mercator projection what popular map in classrooms in the US is what kind of map?

Mercator projection what popular map in classrooms in the US is what kind of map?

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mercator map

What type of map is a Mercator map?

A Mercator map is a cylindrical map projection that distorts the size of objects as the latitude increases from the equator towards the poles. This means that areas near the poles appear larger than they actually are.

What is the shortage airline distance between Chicato to London on a Mercator map?

On a Mercator map it is a straight line.

How does the Mercator map misrepresent the earth?

latitude and longitude are the same as the Mercator

What type of map projection is used by ship navigation?


What map was created to help navigators?

the Mercator map

How do you describe a mercator map projection?

A mercator map is best described as bigger and smaller portions of land than what is actually is

What is a mercator projection and what is its purpose?

Mercator's projection is a map used mostly in the Americas. The purpose of the map projection was to help sailors trade. It was a sailor's map

What is the name of a map that is not accurate?
