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Zomig (zolmitriptan) is a serotonin receptor agonist, used to treat migraines.

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Q: What is Zomig and what is it used for?
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Can you take zomig if you have taken xanax?

zanax combined w-zomig

How long does zomig stay in your system?

Zomig (zolmitriptan) has a half-life of about 3 hours, meaning it takes around 18 hours to be mostly cleared from your system. However, individual factors such as metabolism and dose can affect how long it stays in the body.

How often can you take a zomig tablet?

Zomig is a prescription medicine, and as such needs to be taken as directed by your doctor who knows your personal medical history as well as the potential implications of taking this medicine. Never change your medicine protocol without first talking to your doctor for detailed instructions.

What are examples of migraine drugs?

ergotamine (Cafergot), naratriptan (Amerge), sumatriptan (Imitrex), rizatriptan (Maxalt), almotriptan (Axert), and zolmitriptan (Zomig).

Can zomig cause eye floaters?

I looked it up, the information says vision eye problems, but it's not specific. Look at the source related link below for more details.

What interactions may occur with antimigraine drugs?

Sumatriptan (Imitrex), naratriptan (Amerge), rizatriptan (Maxalt) and zolmitriptan (Zomig) may interact with ergotamine. These drugs should not be taken within 24 hours of taking any drug containing ergotamine.

Why does your headache feel worse after taking sumatriptan?

Some people react badly to sumatriptan, just as some people react badly to Penicillin. Treating migraines is all about trial and error, unfortunately. There may be other triptans you can take which do not cause you to feel worse (Zomig, Maxalt, Axert, Amerge, Relpax, Frova) I would not recommend Treximet, because that is just sumatriptan with naproxen added.

Can you take naproxen and Xanax together?

Got a migraine eh? It's safe to take the two - though as a side point, zomig should only be used if you are sure it's a migraine that you have. It could be potentially dangerous if something else were causing the headache, as could the naproxen.

Are Imagran tablets for migrain?

Yes. Imigran and Imitrex, are both sumatriptan, a medication prescribed to treat abort migraine headaches. Imigran is the OTC version available in the UK. There are many other forms of triptan available by prescription (Zomig, Maxalt, Relpax, Axert, Amerge, Frova, Treximet). All of them work slightly differently, so where one might fail you, one might work. It is definitely work talking to your doctor about.

Will someone please tell you if you should get a doc consult online to get pain meds I have migraines every single day and they are killing me I am so over it and my thinking is not very good right .?

You should go to a doctor to get meds you might have a serious condition I have migranes and the doctor prescribe me Zomig ZMT. You put the pill on your tongue and it dissolves and within no time the migrane disappears it's the best pill ever....go to the doctor and ask about it....hope this helps.

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it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancer

When do you use are or is?

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