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Q: What illegal drug might cause a facial rash?
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Related questions

Is marijuana the most common drug in the world?

No, it might be the most common illegal drug, but caffeine is the most common drug. Yes, caffeine is a drug.

How do you bleach facial hair?

they sell FACIAL BLEACH in drug stores

Is drug illegal?

Yes, drug illegal sometimes.

How is drug made illegal?

Drug is made illegal by the types or kind of that drug!

What are the side effects after taking a illegal drug?

That depends on what illegal drug you took, and side effects are different for everyone, but if you're worried you might overdose, you should definetly got to the closest ER!

Why shouldn't you take PCP?

Part of what makes it dangerous is the fact it is illegal. So there is no way to really know how much you are taking, since illegal drug labs aren't always precise in the dosing, so you might overdose. However, there are also the effects of the drug itself. It can cause suicidal impulses and brief psychotic episodes. It can cause violent behavior, though mainly in those who already have a history of violence.

Is marijuana an illegal drug?

Yes, it is a controlled drug. Illegal in the US if you do not have a prescription for it.

Why is the drug illegal?

What drug are you talking about

What is the most illegal Drug?

Cocaine and heroin are the most illegal drugs as they cause the most jail time. Getting caught with a kilo of cocaine can get you anywhere from 8 years to life in prison. i think marowana is the most illegal drug (and sorry i don't know how to spell marowano) :)

What are the effects of illegal drug money on economy of a country?

Illegal drug money keeps money out of the economy of the country. The government can not tax illegal drug money.

What is a sentence with the word drug?

These people can help with your drug problem.Cocaine is an illegal drug.Scientists are working to create a drug that can sure cancer.The court heard about how he tried to drug his victim.

Are illegal drugs found in a drug store?

umm no! unless its an illegal drug store