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Q: What if your doctor gave you the depo shot and didn't tell you?
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Will the depo shot show a positive meth result on a drug test?

yes, but when you tell the doctor that you are on the depo shot, he will know exactly what you are talking about. every doctor knows depo pro vera has the same chemical makeup as methamphetamine!

What happends if your on the depo shot for 2months and then have a period?

I was on depo, and I would always get my period 2 months on 2 months off. Until I didnt get my period no more.

If a person is taking the depo shot and gets a period before the next shot is due but does not get the shot will ovulation occur?

This question would be best answered by the doctor who administered the Depo shot. Every woman's body is different and will react to the hormones differently.

When you should retake your Depo-Provera shot?

You should get your depo provera shot every three months. My doctor gives me a chart every time I go in so I know the exact dates to go in for the shot. Maybe your doctor could give you one as well. They're extremely helpful!

Is it normal to bleed everyday during the first 2 months of your depo shot?

No. Call your doctor.

Had the depo shot last month and got my period do have i have to take another shot or am i still protected?

Your safest bet is to follow the instructions of the provider who gave you the shot.

Is it normal to have a period for three weeks and four months after coming off the depo shot?

NO- see your doctor

What does it mean if your skin turns yellow after getting the Depo-Provera shot?

You need to contact your doctor immediately!

Is the Depo Provera shot still effective if you are using the nicoderm patch?

You should consult with your doctor or pharmacist for this answer.

Is it normal to have a 3 week long period after starting birth control?

I had the depo shot and it made me go into a 3 month bleeding cycle. my doc said this does happen in some cases. she gave me some pills to help me stop the bleeding and told me that i can no longer have the depo shot. everybody is different. No that is not normal. Especially if you are on the depo provera shot. Either way you should go call your doctor/gynocologist and explain the problem. They might put you on another form of birth control, or I *think* they have some kind of antibiotic of your on depo and dont stop bleeding. I dont know for sure--thats why you should call your doctor

Does amoxicillin affect Depo-Provera?

No, amoxicillin will not decrease the effectiveness of the Depo-Provera to prevent an unintended pregnancy. Since the Depo-Provera shot bypasses the absorption phase in the gastrointestinal tract required by oral contraceptives, antibiotics such as amoxicillin will not interfere with the effectiveness of the Depo shot.

If you get the depo shot while your on your cycle but your cycle is abnormal dose it still work?

I would call the doctor to be sure. But as far as what I have heard, it does still work. A lot of people i know get weird cycles BECAUSE of the depo shot