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This exact thing happened to me today. (I'm writing because I "googled" it while I was panicking and couldn't find any posts with this happening to someone else).

I took one 300mg table of Welbutrin at 7 in the morning and forgot I had taken it. I took another at 10 am thinking I missed the first dose and immediately felt weird. I was sitting at the computer and all of a sudden felt out of control or high. I would touch my arms and they felt numb (I could feel the touch but it was like when Novocain starts to wear off at the dentist and you can only feel a little sensation.) Others symptoms were heavy/numb feeling in my arms and legs, panic/anxiety, and like I was going to pass out at any second. I tried to make myself vomit so the pill would be out of my system but that didn't work. I was scared that I would pass out with my two young kids at home and nobody would know. (My husband came home from work immediately). I called both the pharmacist and the doctor and talked to them about it. They said that 600mg taken by mistake is not considered an overdose and that it wasn't worth a trip to the ER. They said I would feel funny for awhile because the pills were extended release, but eventually it would go away. Instant relief. I thought I was going to have a seizure or worse - die. The doctor did tell me to drink whole milk because it had a high fat content, and it would slow the absorption into my small intestine (??). This evening I am feeling much better but still have limited sensation in my hands and feel a little like loopy. I lived through it by just riding it out. Just wanted to post in case this same thing happens to somebody else. I would call your doctor immediately just the same.


Well, I don't know why the doctors told you that 600mg wasn't an overdose, because everything above 450 is. Even given prescribed amounts of either 150, 300, or 450, you are at a high risk for seizure. I took ... I don't know. It was more than 600, but I still had a grand mal seizure and am lucky to be alive. Another time I took just 600 and had a series of petit mal seizures, almost fell down stairs. Luckily I'm at home still so my parents could watch me, plus I'm on so many antidepressants they know it's something. I still had to take charcoal that second time around. First time I just didn't know what the seizure was so I ignored it and was messed up mentally for weeks.

If any symptoms like hearing voices, imagining people, paranoia, irrational thoughts you can't shake, inability to speak or walk normally occur... go to the doctor's immediately. Just say you overdosed on Wellbutrin. They know it's a highly toxic drug; that's why it was taken off the market when it came out and they had to cut the doses but still every dose has a warning that it often leads to seizures if not taken correctly.


I took 900 mg once, and it totally messed me up. I felt like I couldn't choke, it even happened to me when i took 600. I took both doses by mistake, normally I just dump the pills out and feel around for the amount I need, but one time I counted like twice and it came out terrible. I didn't have a seizure or anything, but you definitely get a choking feeling in your throat that doesn't go away for days, and possibly a prolonged cough.

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Yes, as long as its XL

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Q: What if you took too much Wellbutrin XL you think you may have take 2 at 300mg?
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