lol like an hour
I think you are really Stupide Xanax is against Extasy troubles ...
3-5 days
Xanax is not an opiate.
I have heard many people who drank beer and xanax, however many people also say that it is a beg "no no" I took xanax for the first time last night, and Idrank 4 beers ...I coudln't hardly keep my eyes open I kept fallin asleep, didn't feel the xanax I took 1 half a bar, just felt super sleepy!
No, pills take at least 1-2 weeks to get out of your system.
No. I weigh 90 lbs. and I took a handful of xanax (about 15-20 pills) and still woke up the next day. It was late in the day but I still woke up.
let's say that you took Xanax pills on a Friday, by Sunday you'll be be clear :) thankgod.
waiting for a answer
YES, very much so!
Most likely not much. If you took the reccommend amount.
Yes if you drink 13 gallons especially if you took 12