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You will go into opiate withdrawals for 1-4 months. The reason it is so long is because of the half life methadone has. It is a horrible drug I suggest a one week suboxone taper then it will be about 8 days of Suck but manageable. A big factor in withdrawal from methadone is the amount of time you have been on it. If you have been on it for several days or weeks the withdrawal should not be much worse than a heroin withdrawal. If you are on the methadone for several years, than you are in for a real challenge! Difficulty with sleeping is one long term symptom of withdrawal from methadone after a long time on it. After the initial withdrawals begin to wear off, often difficulty with sleeping is a big problem. The next big factor is the dose you were on. If you are on methadone for maintenance treatment, today the methadone programs often allow very high doses of meth. Sometimes in excess of 200mg. To get off a dose like this, especially if you were on it for a dose, a very slow detox, and taper, especially when reaching less than 10 mg is optimum. When dropping off to nothing, sometime clonidine, a blood pressure med, is given. It seems to help with withdrawal. If you weren't on meth for a long time, maybe several weeks, a couple of months, a detox from the dosage you were on is suggested. Actually, if you were not on methadone for a long time, and the dose you were on was not too high, the withdrawals seen with heroin will occur; restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, craving for methadone, chills, fever, no appetite, sneezing. These are the most common. It may take a couple of days more than heroin for the withdrawals to pass, 7days, maybe 10 for the symptoms to fully subside. I have heard, that the flu like symptoms with methadone is actually a bit less than a heroin withdrawal. The bottom line is it can be done! I have done it myself after being on it for years. It is difficult, but It is possible to obtain abstinence, even prolonged. I am not a big fan of methadone, there are other treatment modalities using heroin to treat that addiction, but that is another story!

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14y ago

Here is what will happen, you will be sick, I used methadone for the first time 3 years I came off of it and I can't tell you how bad I felt and it lasted for months and months it was horrible but enough about all that, this time on methadone I started and now I am off and its been 2 days I am not sick at all and I give all the credit to Gabapentin, its not a narcotic and can be prescribed easily I am telling you that this drug is a miracle worker. I can't say enough about it, I do not feel the least bit bad. Try it and let me know. Good luck my friend, I feel your pain.

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14y ago

This will result in the onset of withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweats, and body aches.

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You kind of don't. Methadone is addictive. There will bewithdrawal; you should probably consult a physician for ways to minimize this withdrawal.

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If you are asking how long it affects the nervous system, it is 3.8 hours.

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That would be defeating the object. If you are on a drugs program, they will slowly reduce your Methadone prescription and provide other support if needed.

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Taking less methadone would help. Talk to the doctor who prescribed you the methadone. He/she will be able to prescribe an anti-emetic such as Phenergan or change the methadone to another medication (if you are using it for pain).

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How does methadone get abused?

By taking it without being evaluated and prescribed by a doctor. Taking Methadone without a doctors prescription is considered abuse.

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I do not think it is possible to test positive for methadone after taking ecstasy. Methadone is a synthetic opiate and ecstasy is a stimulant and hallucinogen. Even when testing for regular opiates methadone will not show up since its synthetic, methadone will show up on a urine as methadone only if they are testing specifically for methadone. There is no way ecstasy will show up as methadone on a urine test, ecstasy does not contain methadone.

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Stop using Methadone.

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