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Alcohol strengthens the effect of all other medications and drugs used. You can become very depressed, very unhappy and you can feel terrible if you use this combination.

Mixing alcohol with other drugs/medication is dangerous. If you still doubt, ask your doctor about it, or read the package carefully.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Depends on the type of antidepressant one is on. From what I have heard it's generally considered a bad idea to mix the two. Here is more specific info:


*Fluoxetine* (Prozac) -- even at doses of this antidepressant ranging from 2mg/day to 40 mg/day, there was an overall decrease in most effects from LSD (no matter how much acid people took), as well as a decrease in response to ketamine. There was no change in response to psilocybin. There does seem to be a decrease in the response to MDMA.

*Sertraline* (Zoloft) -- the effect with this antidepressant seems to be dose-dependent. At 50 mg/day, there was no effect on the response to LSD nor to psilocybin. However, at 100 mg/day, there was a decrease in response to both LSD and MDMA.

*Paroxetine* (Paxil) -- decrease in response to LSD.

*Trazodone* (Desyrel) -- decrease in response to LSD.


*Imipramine* (Tofranil) -- increase in response to LSD.

*Desipramine* (Norpramine) -- increase in response to LSD.

*Clomipramine* (Anafranil) -- increase in response to LSD.


(*alone* or *in combination with a tricyclic antidepressant*) -- increase in response to LSD or psilocybin.


*Phenelzine* (Nardil) -- decrease in response to LSD

**TAKE NOTE OF THE RESPONSE TO MDMA: combining an MAO inhibitor plus MDMA has led to a hypertensive crisis and a near-fatal response in many people!!! This could be anticipated because MDMA is a substituted amphetamine, and stimulants should not be combined with an MAO inhibitor!!! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!

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14y ago

You could fry your brain from overheating, Heart attack, Seizure. There is a reason why the bottle says do not mix with other drugs. It is just not a good idea for two reasons. If you are taking anti-depressants like zoloft because you have tremors, panic attacks, depression... and don't function well without them, why would you try to hallucinate? If you were even startled by your cat jumping in front of you mid trip, you heart would pump fast while trying to slow down at the same time because of the zoloft and you could do yourself in watching the giant mutant cat! "Meow" No really though stay off the antidepressants before you shroom. Im not gonna say you will die but its likely you could. Both of these drugs bind to serotonin receptors in the brain. Im all down for experiences and im not gonna tell you i havent done things like this but prescription drugs are powerfull and shrooms are safe alone but i wouldn't trust taking a physical downer and a super mental upper. Trip shrooms first. If you like em then you can contemplate the combo.

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14y ago

MAO-Inhibitors (antidepressants) are known to end an LSD Trip. If a person is depressed, they should not take LSD as it is known to amplify any depression one is feeling.

EX. If you have social anxiety you could feel as though you are reading peoples minds, and would fill it with bad thoughts.

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11y ago

Increased interaction to LSD - possible serotonin syndrome due to high levels of serotonin being released from the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B receptors

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Who does LSD effect?

LSD has effects on all people and animals

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No. It will be entirely destroyed. LSD is very fragile.

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no but you will have a horrible experience. its not dangerious mixing the 2 drugs but when your on LSD you need something to calm you down, such as a immovane, or benadryl, or pot or seraquil even, LSD will make you SUPER HYPER, you will litrely not be able to finish your thought fully, mixing it with an uper is BAD NEWS.

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No, if anything, LSD would effect the effects of cigarettes. when ever I did LSD, I seemed to chain smoke and i never could get enough nicotine.

Does LSD produce effect the first time?

If what you take is actually LSD at a dose >30ug then it will produce effects the first time.

Did Albert Hoffman self experiment with LSD only once?

Yes, many times in order to discover the effect LSD had over the humans.

Which produces stronger and more intense effects LSD or 2ce?

They both have about the same effect, I'd say that LSD has more visuals though.

What are the symptoms of magic mushrooms?

They have a powerful hallucinogenic effect similar to LSD.

What is a physical effect of LSD?

Sweating, nausia, seeing things that arent there.

What effect does mixing time have on gluten?

no effect of mixing was observed for the storage modulus (G′) of gluten for any of the flours.

Do people abuse fluoxetine?

No. Fluoxetine is an SSRI (specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant medication which possesses no dependence producing proprties. People have attempted to take an extra one (or more) but there is no reward effect (no "high").