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To start off, the safe veterinarian approved dosage is 1mg per lb *every 8 hours*. So in this dog's case, 89mg is the recommended max. That being said, it is extremely difficult to give a lethal dose of benadryl. I'm assuming you gave the dog 4 25mg tablets, so more than likely all that will happen is an increased chance for side effects. You may just end up with an overly tired dog.

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Q: What happens when you give a Dog 89 lbs and 100mg benadryl?
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Never give a dog human medicines unless instructed to do so by a veterinarian. You will need to give the dog considerably less than the over the counter package indicates because of the fairly big size difference between a human and a small dog. In canines, Benadryl can be used to treat allergies, much like it is in humans, as well as anxiety.

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1ml of benadryl can have a dog for each pound.

Can I give my 12 pound pomeranian a half of a tablet of Benadryl?

No, this would be a very high dose. Call your veterinarian and ask how much Benadryl to give your dog.

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My dog has allergies and the vet told me to give her a childrens dose but I would imagine it would depend upon the weight of the dog.

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no that wont do nothin to the animal

How much benadryl should you give your 8 pound dog in teaspoons I don't have a mg measuring device?

an 8 lb. dog needs 16 mg of Benadryl, so you can give it one teaspoon ofchildren's benadryl which has 12.5 mg. make sure it is regular benadryl and doesn't contain acetaminophen (to check, look at the active ingredients in the box or bottle).

How much Benadryl can you give a dog that weighs 2lbs?

one milligram per pound.