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Smoking during pregnancy can, and often does, lead to babies born prematurely, babies born too small, and babies who die before they can be born at all. At least one well-known ob-gyn has stated that he would rather care for a pregnant diabetic or cancer patient than a smoker, as the outcome could be expected to be better.

The reason is that smoking greatly cuts down the flow of oxygen to the fetus, causing it to develop half suffocated. Not a nice way to treat your baby.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Smoking has harmful chemicals called nicotine and carbon monoxide. These chemicals make the mother's blood less able to carry oxygen and food to the baby.

When you smoke during pregnancy

  • There is greater chance for miscarriage
  • You may have a small, sick baby
  • Your baby may be at greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Your baby may be born earlier than expected
  • your baby may be at greater risk of being born with a cleft palate

Did you know...

  • After just one day of not smoking, your baby will get more oxygen. Each day that you don't smoke you are helping your baby grow!
  • Inhaling secondhand smoke can be just as harmful to your baby as smoking. If your partner or someone you live with smokes talk about ways to make your home smoke free.
  • It is a myth that quitting smoking while pregnant will cause too much stress for your baby. It is more stressful to your body and more harmful to your and your baby to continue smoking. This is a lie (no it's not the same person)


Smoking can cause a baby to be born prematurely and with a low birth weight, respiratory diseases, and other illnesses. Low birth weight is a major cause of death in infants.

Some effects of smoking during pregnancy are premature birth with the child, Asthma, a very restless child

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9y ago

Smoking has harmful chemicals called nicotine and carbon monoxide. These chemicals make the mother's blood less able to carry oxygen and food to the baby.

When you smoke during pregnancy

  • There is greater chance for miscarriage
  • You may have a small, sick baby
  • Your baby may be at greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Your baby may be born earlier than expected
  • your baby may be at greater risk of being born with a cleft palate

Did you know...

  • After just one day of not smoking, your baby will get more oxygen. Each day that you don't smoke you are helping your baby grow!
  • Inhaling secondhand smoke can be just as harmful to your baby as smoking. If your partner or someone you live with smokes talk about ways to make your home smoke free.
  • It is a myth that quitting smoking while pregnant will cause too much stress for your baby. It is more stressful to your body and more harmful to your and your baby to continue smoking.
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10y ago

When a pregnant woman smokes, the trace amounts of CO that she inhales means less oxygen will be delivered to her baby.

The nicotine and other compounds found in tobacco pose both an immediate and an extended threat to the health of her developing child.

These dangers include:

Increased risk of miscarriage

Increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Premature birth

Low birth weight

Behavioral problems (hyperactivity)

Reduced verbal and mathematical ability

Smoking while pregnant will:

  • Lower the amount of oxygen available to you and your growing baby.
  • Increase your baby's heart rate.
  • Increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth.
  • Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely and/or born with low birth weight.
  • Increase your baby's risk of developing respiratory (lung) problems such as asthma.
  • Increase the chance of your baby having heart defects.
  • Increase the chance of your baby having learning disorders, behavioral problems, and relatively low IQs.
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14y ago

If I were you I would start thinking about the nicotine and deadly carbon monoxide and other poisons going into that baby every time you smoke. Be a responsible Mother, give the poor thing a good start in life. Now back to you, yes you will also damage your own health, maybe terminally so.

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13y ago

its been proven that marijuana ha sno affect on growth. so your baby gets high and thats it. maybe the munchies too ahah

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15y ago

Almost as bad as shoving a knitting needle up there. Not good. At all.

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14y ago

The fetus will become deformed and the child may die. SO DONT SMOKE WHEN PREGNANT.

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15y ago

i will affect health of your child and you could have an abnormal child. -guide to pregnancy and newborn baby care.

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