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They're never destroyed. They are there the whole time.

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Q: What happens to the destoryed bacteria that your treating with antibiotics?
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What happens to bacteria over time when exposed to antibiotics frequently?

Bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics through genetic mutations or by acquiring resistance genes from other bacteria. Over time, the resistant bacteria population can grow, making the antibiotics less effective in treating infections caused by those bacteria. This can lead to treatment failure and the need for more powerful antibiotics.

What is cross resistance in bacteria for two different antibiotics?

"Bacterial cross-resistance happens when the two antibiotics that are being taken have very similar actions"

If you have two slides left with the topic of antibiotics what should they be?

What happens when we take them without needing them - eg for a cold or flu which are caused by viruses. What happens when there are no powerful antibiotics left to fight the super strains of bacteria.

Why have some antibiotics stopped working as effectively?

Antibiotics are substances which, in high dilution, either prevent bacteria form growing or destroy bacteria. They are becoming less effective because widespread use of antibiotics is selecting those bacteria which have abilities to survive the affects of the antibiotics. In effect we are seeing evolution in action.

How do microogarnisms avoid being attacked by antibiotics?

They don't. They develop a resistance to it. Just like people, each bacteria is slightly different even from bacteria of the same type. Some are slightly more resistant to a given drug than others. What happens is that when someone is given antibiotics and the drugs are not enough to kill all the bacteria only those that are most resistant to that drug remain. Even worse is when someone decides they feel better and stop taking their antibiotics. Then the bacteria split and/or share their genes with other bacteria and as a result that resistance is passed on to future generations.

What happens to viruses when you take antibiotics?

Viruses are Not killed with antibiotics need antivirus antibiotics

How antibiotics resistance occur?

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria or other microbes builds the ability to resist the effects of the antibiotic. This happens when bacteria changes in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of the drugs designed to cure infections.

What happens if you take antibiotics every other day?

Antibiotic is a metabolic by product of one type of microorganism which has killing or inhibiting effect on bacteria. The first rule of antibiotics is try not to use them, and the second rule is try not to use too many of them. Over use of antibiotics have contributed to the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. our body contains microorganisms known as normal flora(nf), which are beneficial to us. Unnecessary or over use of antibiotics may effect this nf.

How do you discover the new multiple antibiotics and how to use them?

Due to large scale misuse of antibiotics by the unqualified doctors, you have landed in the problem of emergence of multi drug resistant bacteria. Now you have to invent the new antibiotics. Most of the best antibiotics are probably already discovered. Here is the way by which you will be able to find the new group of antibiotics to treat the infections with multi drug resistant bacteria. As you know you have most of the antibiotics that has derived from the Fungi. There are very few antibiotics that are derived from the bacteria. Bacitracin, Polymixin B, Amphotericin B are derived from the bacteria. They are much more toxic as compared to the antibiotics that are derived from Fungi. The antibiotics that will be derived from the bacteria will be toxic as well. But they are easy to discover and should be made available for the infections due to multi drug resistant bacteria. As you know that most of the bacterial infections are due to single type of bacteria. You usually get the respiratory tract infection due to single type of bacteria, for example. This usually happens when your immunity has lowered down due to respiratory viral infections. The simple question arise that as to why the multiple type of bacteria do not take over to cause the infection. The reason is as simple as Sir Alexander Fleming thought about the growth of penicillin. The given bacteria secretes the chemical to inhibit the growth of other bacteria. You may have to identify the different chemicals that are secreted by the bacteria. This chemical when added to the culture of other bacteria will inhibit the growth of those other bacteria. This why you can identify the large number of antibiotics that can inhibit the growth of other bacteria. Now the question arise as to how to use these antibiotics. Say for example the antibiotic produced by Mycoplasma pneumoniae can not be used against the same organism. It can be used against the other organisms. So you will have to go for the culture and sensitivity of the organism before you go for the treatment of the systemic bacterial infections. The above article is submitted to the science community for expert opinion and necessary action.

What happens to a cycle if one step is left out or destoryed?

If one step is out, water cycle will be imbalanced. It disturbs water cycle.

Are there any antibiotics used in pesticides?

what happens when pesticides and antibiotics are used and how does it related to evolution

Why does trick or treating happen?

trick are treating happens because it's Halloween you should go out and get candy!