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Basically you feel high because both sides of your brain are getting more oxygen at the same time as opposed to one side at a time.

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Q: What happens to brain after smoking weed that you feel high?
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What is the pleasure gotten from smoking marijuanna?

you get high and it makes you feel good.

Has anyone tried recording or studying what happens in the body and brain when a person falls in love with someone?

yes, a study was just published. it makes you high and you feel addicted.

What is the effect after smoking marijuana you do it?

it can get you addictedwhen you smoke it but it also kills some brain cells,then makes you high.

How does spray paint get you high?

This does not physically get you high, but works by decreasing oxygen to your brain, which makes you feel high. If you inhale too much you can die as the lack of oxygen kills brain cells

What is creepy weed?

Creepy weed is weed that has the ability to trick you into thinking your not high. Normally you smoke a blunt and you take a few hits and you're high...with creepy you're smoking and smoking and you don't feel high then all of a sudden BOOM your high creeps up on you good stuff.

What is the part of the body that's primarily affected by smoking cigarettes and marijuana?

in my experience, the brain. although marijuana is not physically addictive, it is mentally addictive. you crave the high feeling it gives. especially if you are in your mid to early teen years. it can also cause brain fog, often referred to as perma fried, where you feel as if you are high all the time. this occurs when the activity in your cerebral cortex significantly decreases due to prolonged highness, over time. smoking everyday will do this, and its mcuh worse if you smoke multiple times daily for extended periods of time.

Why does an object feel warm on your skin?

If it'a tempurtaure is high, it'll feel warm and some cells in ya brain will respond.

How does smoking marijuana affect your body?

The marijuana makes you high, and it makes you feel happy. It also makes your eyes red.

What song can get you high?

there is no song to get you high...only certain songs that activate some brain waves to make you feel OB...but that's it.

Do you get high smoking Hookah?

No it does not make you high but if you add Marijuana to the head(bowl) then you will get high.

What can you eat or drink before smocking weed to feel it stronger?

yes drinking and smoking will increase your high its called cross-faded

Does smoking reduces memory?

only while your high, the thc puts the memory center into overdrive but when your not high it goes back to normal. your brain actually makes its own cannabis to relieve stress.