First of all, I am not an attorney, nor am I an expert at criminal law. My advice if off of firsthand experience and is not meant to be considered as fact in any manner. Please, feel free to refine this answer if there are any errors or help fill in the areas which need further clarification - for I did not have the time to look at all the criminal codes, or state laws, nor did I have the time for any references. Nevertheless, depending on your probation officer, he/she may or may not charge you with Possession of Dangerous Drugs. Also, depending on how you got the Adderall (i.e. fake script, or by using a false name), you might also be charged with Fraudulently Obtaining Dangerous Drugs - both charges are considered serious offenses in many states, and are most often classified as felonies (especially the latter). Unlawfully possessing 1 or 100 tablets of an DEA regulated Schedule II narcotic (i.e. Adderall) is illegal and depending upon which state you reside in, it can carry anywhere from a maximum of 1-20 years in prison, depending on the quantity as well as several other factors. There is even the possibility that federal sanctions could be applied. My opinion: If you are caught with it Adderall in your possession, and it is a first time offense in addition to having no prior criminal history, odds are that not much will happen to you, especially if you only have one pill in your possession - it all depends. But if you are on probation (as you stated you were) for a similar offense or if you have been arrested for drugs in the past - you might night fair to well. As I said - it all depends. Good luck!
Each State may have it's own laws, however there was a federal convention which set out some uniform drug laws that State's could adopt and use as they saw fit. Most State's seem to be using laws mostly or entirely based upon that convention. Here is the Michigan take on the adderall, and it's a pretty safe bet that it is similar to most other states.
333.7403(2)(e) A prescription form is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.
If you read the entire statute (1) sets out that you shouldn't have a drug in your possession. (2) sets out the different penalties for different drugs. So (2)(a) is for narcotic drugs (which are only opiates (such as heroin) under a legal definition) and cocoa leaves (cocaine) get you into this category, which carries some pretty hefty penalties depending on how many grams you have. (2)(b) carves out a spot for having meth and one other drug that I didn't bother looking at because it wasn't in the schedule II listings for drugs, so it doesn't apply to adderall. This section also provides the penalties for any drugs not described in 2,c,d or e. (2)(c) list some drugs, non of which are amphetamine (adderall). (2)(d) is for marijuana and you have 2(e) at the top, which is the penalty for adderall.
This is very dangerous. Never let a 14 year old take unprescribed methadone because it is a very powerful drug and can result in overdose.
first off adderall isnt for anxiety its for add, adhd. And if you take something for its intended purpose them itll do whats its supposed to do
Don't take unprescribed drugs.
you die
You stay wide awake and get really screwed up. Bad idea.
You'll probably die or be very sick.
You get f*cked up... Not good for your heart and respiratory system. Take one or the other.
An antibiotic of this class, such as Cipro has not been shown to have any interactions with Adderall. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to discuss combining medications.
can i take adderall with my cialis
You can have seizures
Cardiovascular conditions are a contraindication for adderall. Therefore it is a NO NO.
Yes, it increases the effect of the methanphetamine in the adderall