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Antibiotic is a metabolic by product of one type of microorganism which has killing or inhibiting effect on bacteria.

The first rule of antibiotics is try not to use them, and the second rule is try not to use too many of them. Over use of antibiotics have contributed to the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

our body contains microorganisms known as normal flora(nf), which are beneficial to us.

Unnecessary or over use of antibiotics may effect this nf.

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Q: What happens if you take antibiotics every other day?
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Can cats take antibiotic?

Cats can take antibiotics. Antibiotics are very useful and universal drugs and there are antibiotics to cure almost any bacterial illness. If your cat is sick and you think it needs antibiotics, TAKE IT TO A VET. The dosages for humans and cats are very different, and the other things that are in the antibiotics made for humans may kill cats. Also, not every antibiotic is suitable to treat every condition. Some bacteria have built up resistance to certain antibiotics and need stronger ones. Only a vet can diagnose and treat your cat or prescribe antibiotics if needed. Cats can safely take antibiotics but only those designed for cats.

If you have two slides left with the topic of antibiotics what should they be?

What happens when we take them without needing them - eg for a cold or flu which are caused by viruses. What happens when there are no powerful antibiotics left to fight the super strains of bacteria.

Should widespread use of antibiotics be curtailed?

There is a theory that the hand-em-out mentality will cause an outbreak of super viruses that are resistant to antibiotics. Every time you take an antibiotic your body and immune system gets used to them. Much like advil and other pain relievers.

Can you take garlic with oral antibiotics?

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Can you take oral antibiotics by rectum?

You can not take your oral antibiotics via the rectum.

What can you take for Streptococcus if you are allergic to penicillin?

Any other form of antibiotics as streptococci are bacterial.

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Why should you take your antibiotics?

If you dont take all of your antibiotics the bacteria will continue to grow and its DNA will change so it will become resistent to the antibiotics

Can a patient with cyclosporine take antibiotics?

Yes, although it is recommended to steer clear of the Erythromycin based antibiotics. If the Penicillin based antibiotics will not work, other antibiotics such as cefuroxime (Ceftin) may work.

Can you take benadryl and mucinex and cipro together?

Yes but never take any antacids with cipro, levaquin or other antibiotics of this nature.