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You will pass out, go into a coma, and wake up dead!

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Q: What happens if you take 20 Ambien pills in one day?
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What happens if I take four birth control pills at once?

Birth control pills are hormones and will not help you better if you take 4 at one time. You need to take a pill each day for them to work otherwise you are not protected.

What happens if you start your birth control on the eighth day not the seventh day?

If you have been taking your pills the ones you take on your period are sugar. You want to start the real ones on the day you stop. Usually the sugar pills are a different color. If you pills aren't this way take them on day two as given by the directions of your pills.

If you took your adderall during the day and take ambien at night but Im not feeling sleepy after taking your ambien.?

sounds like a trick question

What happens if your pregnant and take a lot of birth control pills in one day?

According to the Mayo clinic nothing happens. If you are aiming for an abortion you have to see a doctor. Birth control pills can not make you abort. They can be used as morning after pills within 5 days after sex but not once you are pregnant.

I am on a 28 day pill pack. what if i dont take the 7 day sugar pills?

It could tamper with why you have to take your pills anyway

What do you do if you take two pills one day and are off one day the rest of the month?

When this happens you need to take Plan B if you have unprotected intercourse. You also need to use a condom for 4 weeks.

What if you accidentally take 2 Ambien?

I'm pretty experienced with pills and in my opinion, taking three Ambien ruins the high you could get from just taking one or two. I love the way two makes me feel, but three just causes a crappy blackout and a hangover-type feeling the next day.

How many pills a day must you take of subitramina in a day?


How do you take the pills 2 day diet?

Take one or two pills in the morning every day before eating breakfast and drink a loooot of water. As your doctor if he or she thinks you should take your pills at a different time. GoodLuck :D

How many volume pills do you take a day?


What happns when you skip pills but bleed between periods?

Do Not skip pills. That will take away the effectiveness of the pills. Take it every day at the same time and you won't forget. If you forget one, the next day take two, but don't make a habit of it.