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I wanted to share this information quoted directly that I found at the following website:


"Can I stop taking lithium suddenly?"

"Absolutely not! It is very unwise and risky to stop taking lithium suddenly, even if you feel better. Recent studies have shown that if you are taking lithium for Bipolar disorder and stop it suddenly (ie over 1 to 14 days) you have a 1 in 2 (50%) chance of becoming ill again within six months and a 90% chance of becoming ill again within 3 years. If you need to stop lithium, it should be gradually over at least four weeks, preferably longer i.e. 3-6 months The dose should be decreased graduallyduring this time to minimise possible problems. You've got a lot to lose if you stop lithium too quickly."

My interpretation: It does not name what the exact physical effects are, (I suppose they may be different in each individual person), but a chance of relapse seems likely.

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11y ago

You will have withdrawal symptoms depending on how much you take daily better off tapering off them gradually.....2 1 1/2 1 half etc.

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Q: What happens if you stop Effexor cold turkey?
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What happens when you stop Celexa cold turkey?

if you stop cold turkey then you will experience the same side effects as you had when you first started on it (headaches, tiredness etc) for about 2 weeks it is far better to lower your dose to the lowest (10mg) over a couple of weeks and then maybe have one day off and one day on until you stop altogether this gradual approach will ensure your withdrawal experience is as pleasant as possible :)

Can you stop Cumedian cold turkey?

Not a bright idea. Check with your doctor first.

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No because weed in non addicting and you can stop cold turkey unlike trying to get off heroine which you cant stop cold turkey because you have the need to want it always until you get help

What if you stop taking Fosamax cold turkey?

Fosamax is a prescription grade pain killer. Anyone that tries to quit this drug cold turkey risks going into withdrawal.

Can you die from stopping Effexor cold turkey?

I'm not a doctor, but based on my research...unless you have some underlying won't die, you'll just wish you would. Stopping Effexor is a hard thing to do, even if you do titrate the dose. It's just the nature of that medication. I have stopped Effexor cold turkey in the past and I experienced headaches, nausea, diarrhea, disturbing dreams, night sweats, flu-like symptoms, vertigo, and extreme irritation. Other people have stopped the medication slowly and experienced the same things when they took their final dose. Others have had only mild effects after sudden discontinuance. It just depends on the person. The effects from stopping the medication do come to an end eventually. There are ways to help people who can't tolerate the discontinuance symptoms...your doctor should be able to help you. Even though it is not recommended to stop this medication cold turkey, I can understand why you would want to. Why postpone the inevitable? That's my thinking anyway. Good luck.

What product that will help you stop drinking alcohol?

You can either go cold turkey or weine yourself off of alcohol. Cold turkey is difficult for most people because it consist of stop drinking all alcoholic beverages at once. If you can do cold turkey then you are amazing, I wish you luck!

You stopped taking Effexor xr 4 days ago how long do withdrawal symptoms last?

how long does the effexor withdrawl symptoms disappear after you stop taking it, i am taking zoloft now but i am having effexor symptoms

Is cold turkey the best way to stop smoking?

There are a few side effects that may occur to an individual who quits smoking cold turkey. Such side effects might be headaches, bad moods, mood swings, and more.

Is quitting cold turkey usually effective?

It depends on the person. For most people quitting cold turkey is not effective. The person tends to go through withdrawls from this sudden stop which then gives them the urge to start back up again.

What does cold turkey mean?

Cold turkey (adjective or adverb cold-turkey) means suddenly, completely, without alteration or replacement. It most often refers to stopping addictive substances or behaviors, including cigarette smoking (as opposed to seeking psychological support, nicotine patches, or other aids). Examples: He stopped smoking cold-turkey, and became too jittery at work. As opposed to going cold-turkey, some heroin addicts avoid withdrawal symptoms by taking other drugs. Bill stopped gambling cold-turkey, but his brother still bets occasionally at the horse races. --- Cold turkey, or an abrupt cessation of nicotine, is one way to stop smoking. Cold turkey can provide cost savings because paraphernalia and smoking cessation aids are not required.