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Yes you can smoke with braces. It's probably not the greatest idea, but you can do it. My best friend has braces and smokes like a maniac.

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13y ago

I had braces for two years and smoked every day of it. Nothing will happen, you'll be fine. Enjoy :o)

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12y ago

Smoke it up buddy

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Q: What happens if you smoke while wearing braces?
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Can you kiss wearing braces?

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Why do people brush carefully while wearing braces?

They don't want the braces to break or to be damaged. They also want to make sure that they clean the whole tooth and not just part of the tooth.

Can braces rot your teeth?

The braces do not rot the teeth, but poor oral hygiene while wearing braces has often led to significant tooth decay while an individual was fitted with them. The areas around the braces are especially prone to trapping food and encouraging decay if not cleaned sufficiently. Also because it requires more time and effort to thoroughly clean the teeth when the braces are in place there is an increased tendency to neglect thorough cleaning. When braces are fitted to younger persons (and most people who get braces usually get them as teenagers) there is an additional tendency for the hygiene to be less than sufficient to prevent decay. With proper care, however, no "rotting" should occur when you are wearing braces.

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Can you drink caprisun while wearing braces?

Of course you can! You're talking about the flavored juice drink that comes in pouches right? Yes. You can drink virtually anything with braces, as long as you brush your teeth properly 3 times a day.

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If you have braces can you still kiss?

Yes, you can still kiss with braces. It may take some getting used to and being mindful of your braces during the kiss, but it is possible to have a normal kissing experience while wearing braces. Just be gentle and communicate with your partner about how to navigate the braces.

Do braces hurt I had 4 teeth pulled and on Thursday i have to have braces?

with braces u will need the dentist to tighten them every now and again when this happens there will be a slight pain because there is strain on the teeth but after a while the pain disperses until the dentist tightens them hope this helps and doesnt scare u :)

Did Taylor Swift have braces?

I am almost positive that he didn't. Actually he didn't have any braces so your right. He does have braces...i think, but he doesnt wear them while filming. look at this He doesnt hve any braces his teeth are perfect why would he need them?