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The first thing that happens is you are officially counseled for being out of shape and lazy. Secondly, you are taken off Jump Status which also means you can no longer pack parachutes. At this point you are simply taking up space on a manning roster and creating more work for those that can pack.

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Q: What happens if you fail your apft test if your a parachute rigger?
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A parachute allows a person to jump out of a plane and land safely on the ground. A disadvantage is that (rarely) a parachute may fail to fully open and injury and death is likely.

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When you fail an APFT, fail height/weight requirements, etc., you'll be flagged and barred from favourable action. Your chain of command has a fair bit of leeway in determining how long they'll give you. Once you're flagged and barred, remedial training will be implemented, and you'll be expected to show consistent marked improvement during this time. The leniency given by your chain of command will be based on your general character of service, and how badly you are needed. If a deadline for improvement has been set by your chain of command, it should be clearly stated on the counseling statement you receive after failing your APFT.

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