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There is a very very low risk and there has only been a few cases where women with the implant have became pregnant .

Implanon is concidered highly effective, less than 1 out of 100 woman using Implanon will get pregnant each year. Using a condom along with the implant make the risk of pregnancy even less and reduces the spread of STDs.

Implants and injections are very effective methods of contraception and are proven to be 99% percent reliable in preventing pregnancy.


This is one of the safest method of contraception. But no method is 100 % effective. Very rarely, this method fails and you can get the pregnancy. You are advised to go for pregnancy test at the home only. Say every two weeks, when you do not have the menses.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Pregnancy tests are still accurate if you're on the contraceptive implant. If you've had regular bleeding followed by a time with no bleeding, or if you have other symptoms of pregnancy, take a test.

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9y ago

In the unlikely event that you get pregnant while using the contraceptive implant, or were unknowingly pregnant at the time it was inserted, you may still decide if you would like to continue or terminate the pregnancy. The contraceptive implant does not damage or end a pregnancy.

If you are pregnant and would like to continue the pregnancy, your health care provider will remove the implant, as it is not of any use to a pregnant woman.

If you would like to have an abortion, your health care provider will consider the clinical situation, but may leave the implant in place for continued use after the abortion.

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11y ago

No you can not use Birth Control when pregnant.

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Ntwanano Tsobo

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1y ago
Why not is it harmful to the baby!?

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9y ago

The beauty of the contraceptive implant is that it requires no action by the user. Get it inserted, and you're good to go for three years. There is nothing more effective.

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9y ago

The contraceptive implant will not cause miscarriage or damage a pregnancy. Patients pregnant with the implant can still decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy.

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9y ago

Pregnancy tests will tell if you're pregnant while using hte contraceptive implant.

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9y ago

You are not likely to get pregnant while using the contraceptive implant.

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9y ago

Whether on this device or not, the signs and symptoms are same. You should do the urine pregnancy test to know the diagnosis.

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9y ago

Yes you can. No chemical or mechanical form of contraception is 100% effective.

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Q: What happens if you are pregnant and have the implant in?
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If you get the implant but are already pregnant what happens?

If you get the implant while you are pregnant, you can still decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy. The implant does not harm or end a pregnancy.

What happens if you get pregnant and you still have the implanon implant?

If you get pregnant while using the contraceptive implant, you can still decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy. The implant does not harm or end a pregnancy.

What happens if you are pregnant when you get an implant?

If you are pregnant when you get the implant, you may not notice as the implant can make your periods irregular and absent. It's important to take a pregnancy test three weeks after starting the contraceptive implant to make sure you hadn't gotten pregnant in the days before the insertion. If you are pregnant, you can still decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy; the implant doesn't change that decision. If you decide to continue, you'll have the implant removed. If you decide on abortion, the implant will be left in so you have protection immediately after the termination.

If you have a implant and become pregnant will it cause a miscarriage?

What kind of implant? Breast implant? No.

What happens if the fertilized egg does not implant?

If the fertilized egg does not implant in the uterus, it will not develop further and will be flushed out of the body during menstruation. This often happens without the woman even realizing she was briefly pregnant.

Can you get pregnant with the progestogen only subdermal contraceptive implant?

can you get pregnant when your on the implant and still have periods

Can you get pregnant when implant is due out?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you've had the implant in longer than its life and you are not using another method.

Is it common to get pregnant on the contraceptive implant?

No, it is extremely rare to get pregnant on the contraceptive implant. It is one of the most effective methods of reversible contraception.

Can the implant effect the baby if I'm pregnant?

yes, you should see your dr right away if you become pregnant and still have your implant in.

Can you get pregnant if you bleed whislt you have the contraceptive implant?

There is a very low risk of getting pregnant whilst you have the implant fitted even if you continue to have your period :)

Should Implanon get taken out if you become pregnant?

The contraceptive implant is of no use if you are pregnant. It is normally removed. It does not harm or end a pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant if your taking weed but on implant?

Definitely not.