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If Your around Second hand smoking , your the one that is more than likely too get harmed the worst.

You have shortness of breath. Bad coughing , you get black lungs. and you just might get lung disease ( Cancer ) many things can happen from this cause..

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Q: What happens if you're around secondhand smoke from marijuana?
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Related questions

How can parents protect their children from the potential risks of secondhand marijuana smoke exposure?

Parents can protect their children from the risks of secondhand marijuana smoke exposure by creating a smoke-free environment in their home, avoiding places where marijuana is being smoked, and educating their children about the dangers of secondhand smoke.

Can you f ail from secondhand marijuana smoke?


What are the potential effects of secondhand marijuana smoke on children?

Exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke can potentially harm children by increasing their risk of respiratory issues, cognitive impairments, and behavioral problems.

How can a person come up positive for marijuana and not be a marijuana smoker?

A person could test positive for marijuana by being around secondhand smoke, consuming products containing CBD or THC, or using other substances that may cross-react with the drug test. It's also possible for a person to unknowingly ingest marijuana through contaminated food or drink.

Does secondhand marijuana smoke make you come up hot on a piss test?

yes, can second hand smoke give you cancer? That answer is yes too.

What happens to you when you smoke marijuana?

amazing things

Wh about secondhand smoke is true?

There are 4,000 chemicals in secondhand smoke.

What happens if you smoke marijuana and grass?

you get made fun of...

Does secondhand marijuana smoke cause cancer?

No. If marijuana caused cancer they wouldn't give it to cancer patients to save their lives. Marijuana cures cancer.

Can you get contact high from marijuana?

While it is possible to experience mild effects by being around people smoking marijuana, it is unlikely to get a contact high from being near marijuana smokers. The levels of THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana) that are inhaled through secondhand smoke are generally too low to produce a significant high.

What happens to the heart when you smoke marijuana?

Your heart rate increases.

What damage does smoking do to your family?

it can kill them by breathing it in it is called Secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke can contain carbon monoxide and cionide. it is especially bad to smoke if you have family members who have asthma or are allergic to cigarette smoke or secondhand smoke.