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Women naturally produce testosterone, which is essential for a healthy libido and good skin, but there are side effects to introducing androgens (male hormones) into the female body, including hair loss, facial hair and a deepened voice

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Women also have androgen receptors, so excess testosterone will increase strength and eventually lead to deeper voices and facial hair.

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Q: What happens if the testosterone is present in female body?
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What is the function of testosterone in animals?

Testosterone gives rise to male characteristics in animals. Male birds sing. Maturation of male sex glands and facilitation in process of male reproduction is the function of testosterone in the male animal. In female testosterone is present in fraction of the quantity present in male. It helps cellular function in brain, muscle and other body tissues giving vitality to animals both male and female.

What is the two word seen on both male and female during puberty especially in the pubic region and armpits?

There is a growth of pubic hair. This happens due to the testosterone flowing through the body.

Why does depression continue while taking Estrogen and Testosterone?

Because estrogen and testosterone are female and male hormones. If you are female and you are adding hormones to your body you will actually become more grumpy and irritated than usual, so I would not suggest that. And testosterone will not help anybody with mood elevation.

Is hirsutism a skin disorder?

NO, in general the hirsutism is a result of high level of testosterone (male hormo produced by female body).

What is the name of the hormone that starts puberty?

The first hormone that starts the changes in boy boys and girls is called 'gonadotrophin releasing hormone' (GnRH). It is released by the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) and triggers the pituitary gland to release two hormones: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH).

Does a man create more testosterone than before taking estrogen after he quits?

When more estrogen is present in a man's body, either through natural or artificial means, the amount of testosterone he produces will be reduced. Some men begin to make more testosterone after the estrogen is reduced but some will continue to only produce the reduced amount of testosterone.

Which gland in the female body releases testosterone?

females dont produce much testosterone..thats guys..if they did, they would have deep voices and facial hair. girls produce estrogen which is kind of the same thing, but for girls...its produced by the ovaries

Dhea bodybuilders dose amounts?

DHEA is not recommended for men. If testosterone levels are normal, DHEA will turn into estrogen instead. Definitely not the wanted result for a male body builder. DHEA might be a good idea for female body builders who want to slightly raise testosterone levels.

What are the two male hormones?

Several hormones exist, and there are many different ones depending on what the body is doing. The main hormones are Testosterone in males, Oestrogen in females and Progesterone in both (however females have a much higher amount).

What happens if a men take both estrogen and testosterone?

I doubt anything significant would happen. The effects of the hormones would likely cancel each other out, especially as both hormones are already present in the male body. However, sometimes large amounts of hormones are converted by the male body into only testosterone or only estrogen. For example, if a male bodybuilder takes anabolic steroids (which are basically testosterone and other muscle-building hormones), he can start to have body feminisation, like development of breast tissue, shrinking of the penis and testicles, loss of muscle mass, etc.Another answer:It would likely cause their own body to stop making hormones due to the feedback loop to the brain (hypothalamus-pituitary axis), and likely feminize them while maintaining some masculine features. Excess testosterone gets converted to estrogen in the body due to the aromatase enzyme.By the way, the ovaries in the female body don't exactly produce estrogen, but produce DHEA and aromatase enzyme. Those become estrogen in the blood.

What happens to the menstrual cycle if a female is pregnant?

When a female is pregnant,it depends on how her body works she could have her menses.

Can the menopause affect coloured hair?

Yes, Due to the low levels of female hormones in the body during menopause. The male hormone testosterone becomes more powerful and higher levels of testosterone can weaken hair or make it fall out. Hormone replacement patches can help by adding more female hormones to the body.