The Clomid really messes up your period and causes all sorts of things to happen. I took it for awhile and it made me feel strange plus I felt bloated. I would call your doctor if you are having problems. By-the-way did you know the Clomid stays in your system after you quit taking it? It is one reason I quit.
I don't know about that. But I gave birth to girl after taking clomid and one of my friend who was also given clomid gave birth to girl so in my case it is 100%. And I know one more lady she also gavve birth to girl after taking clomid.
Isn't that WHY you are taking Clomid? Women take Clomid to try and get pregnant. According to my conversations with my doctor, you are NOT too old at age 47 to get pregnant. If your eggs are still viable (in good condition) then, you can get pregnant. I hope you were taking Clomid to try and conceive, if not, then why?
It depends on the womens body some people get pregnant after the first cycle and some have to up the mg on the clomid. Just be patient and i promise that you will end up prego! good luck to you
yes clomid does work i had a low sperm count i start taking clomid in nov 2008 and my wife got pregnant in feburary 2009. i have a baby girl now i am also taking clomid now to have another child so yes it work my doctor recommended me 90 day supply of clomid.
course not
yes you can i have PCOS and my Dr. has me taking both.
In women...usually pregnancy. In men...higher testosterone
You need to talk to your doctor. Clomid is not a medication to rely on internet people to answer. You can have serious problems while taking of which is ovary hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS). You doctor needs to monitor you while you are on Clomid.
Yes, Clomid could just help you pregnant. It is however important that you visit the doctor with your partner for prescription.
I was taking 50mg clomid and on an ultrasound scan I produced 5 eggs. I was advised to abstain from intercourse due to risk of multiples, which I did not and still I failed to conceive