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They die like a bunch of dumbasses at the age of 60, they shorten their lives just for a fake game

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Q: What effects do steroids have on wrestlers?
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How can you say that WWE wrestlers don't take steroids anymore?

They are tested.

When are the WWE wrestlers who were suspended for steroids due to return?

david blain

Do the WWE superstars take steroids?

yes some of the wrestlers do if they want to get stronger

Was Mr Kennedy on drugs?

yes he was one of eleven wrestlers caught on steroids

What WWE wrestlers have taken steroids that anyone knows for a fact not opinion?

I don't know exactley how many wrestlers have taken steroids or who they were but i know that Mr Mcmahon has definatley taken steroids because when he went to court about giving wrestlers steroids he addmitted to taking them himself in the 1980s i also know that chris benoit and Eddie guererro have both died from steroids. Guererro died on the toilet because his veins got clogged up from all the crap that was in the steroids he had taken and Benoit died because he took too many steroids and went mad and killed his wife and son because of it then when he became normal again he realised what he had done and hung himself. Even though lots of wrestlers probably take steroids that doesnt make wrestling bad i will still love wrestling no matter what

The effects of steroids?

Tiny penis

How many WWE wrestlers are on steroids performance enhancing drugs human growth hormones testosterones?

To my count there was six.

What are oral steroids?

Orale steroids are steroids that are not injected by a needle.Orale steroids are taken as tablets.But it has been said that orale steroids cause more side effects than normal ones

Are WWE wrestlers really strong?

Of course, they're either jacked up on steroids or working in a gym for most of their days.

What are the positive effects on steroids?

big arms

Does Jack swagger take steroids?

No jack swagger is just naturally a big guy