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anestesia puts you asleep...

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Q: What drugs will make you go into a coma?
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Related questions

What is a Drug-induced coma?

A form of unconsciousness caused by taking drugs.

What happens when a woman menstruates in a coma?

they go in a sleep about snow white and see birds. a coma can change a pesons life make you see things.

What drugs MAKE you skinny?

Drugs are not the way to go just in case you were looking. That is unhealthy

Can cookies kill you?

no, they can't, unless you go into diabetic coma by choking on it. This is the case for everything. You can even choke and go into a diabetic coma

What are the side effects of legal drugs?

dizziness, nasal sores, glaucoma, cataracts, hallucinations, Coma, Death

To go into a long deep sleep?


Can you go in a food coma from ice cream?


Is it true or false that if you have no stress you have no challenges no risks and no growth?

I would say that unless you are under the influence of drugs or in a coma, this is true.

Can you still get pregnant in a coma?

Unless whatever the reason was he went into a coma made him sterile, yes he can. Coma itself does not make him sterile. And pre-ejaculate is enough to make someone pregnant so a ejaculation is not even necessary.

How would one get a brain injury coma?

There are several different ways a person can end up in a coma due to a brain injury. A person can go into a coma if the brains swells or bleeds after the injury.

What can happen to individuals when their heart beat and breathing rate are substantially reduced by the combined use of certain drugs and alcohol?

Coma or Death.

What routine treatments for coma are there?

Because of their low incidence of side effects and potential for prompt reversal of coma in certain conditions, glucose, the B-vitamin thiamine, and Narcan (to counteract any narcotic-type drugs) are routinely given.