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Q: What does topiramate 25mg street value?
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What is the street value for vistaril 25mg?

I would say that the value is $2. I have 50 mg ones that go for $3.

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depends on the state and/or city, roughly 3 - 5 a pill

Can you break topamax 50 tablets and make them into two doses of 25 each?

yes--however Topamax is now available as generic topiramate--so it is cheaper to get a RX for 25mg.

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Source: rx2040. com Sinequan (Doxepin) 25mg $0.86 per pill

What is the street value of Valium 25mg per pill?

It depends where you live. Supply and demand too. Have you not taken Economy yet? Lol

Is topiramate associated with birth defects?

Topiramate may cause birth defects. Use effective birth control while taking topiramate. Patients who become pregnant while taking topiramate should contact their physician immediately.

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What percent of 25mg is 25mg?


Can you take topiramate with cocodamol and diazepam?

is it safe to take topiramate with co codamol, diazepam ,naproxen and lanszoprazole together

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What is street value of 25mg of methadone tablets?

Y Actually, there isn't a 25mg methadone pill. They come in 5, 10, and 40mg tablets and also liquid form. If someone is telling you there is a 25mg tablet of methadone, it is either not methadone, or a different milligram. Now of course this is by FDA standards. If you actually find a 25mg methadone pill, it is not regulated by the FDA and therefore you should be very cautious before taking anything that is not approved by the FDA.