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Salvia divinorum, commonly known as salvia, is a plant that is a variety of sage. It grows in the mountains of Mexico, and it has powerful psychedelic and dissociative effects when smoked or chewed.

A lot of people can't handle the effects of this plant because they find it scary or unpleasant, while others learn a great deal from it. It usually provides a really deep experience. Make sure someone is sober and watching you if you do it. Since you can lose all contact with the existing reality, it is important that you are accompanied. There has been cases of people trying going out of control and hurting themselves under the effects of salvia.

There are some extracts, even flavored ones starting from 5X to 60X.

Salvia divinorum, also known as Diviner's Sage, María Pastora, Sage of the Seers, or simply by the genus name, Salvia. It contains a opoid called salvinorin.

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15y ago

Salvia Divinorum comes from the southern part of Mexico, specifically Oaxaca. It is used by 'shamans' trying to make contact with higher entities, telling the future and reach a higher conscience. It has been used long before America was discovered.

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15y ago

A salvia divinorum plant looks like a household plant until it flowers where it gets little purple and white flowers that resemble tiny orchids if you ask me. For more information about Salvia plants go to

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16y ago

The mint family. Salvia is the latin name for sage. Salvia divinorum is therefore a psychoactive kind of sage.

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To my knowledge, there has never been even one credible documented case of a death resulting from Salvia divinorum consumption. However, when using Salvia, one may find themselves experiencing another version of reality and end up walking into things and this could cause injury. Sharp object such as knives and things should be removed from the area before using and also things like glass coffee tables are a big no no. Just have a look around before you have some and ask "what is the worst that can happen?" A2. Just like the original answer said, those dangers of salvia are real, but in terms of salvia as an herb containing chemical hallucinogens, it isn't toxic in the body in any way. Another note that is important when talking about salvia's chemical safety is that the chemicals it puts into your body are deteriorated in under about 15 hours, which is VERY fast for a psychoactive chemical (for example- THC, in marijuana, can remain in the body undisipated up to a month (but rarely, usually only for two weeks for max), which means that once you try it, it will leave you (no worry about "flashbacks"), it does not stay in your system to cause harm. No one has ever looked into what Salvinorin A (the hallucinogen in Salvia) breaks down into, but there is absolutely no reason to believe these analogues your body creates are harmful in any way, so don't worry about that.

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