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It means the blood pooled in the uterus and vagina long enough to start to coagulate.

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Q: What does it mean if you expel a small clot shortly after the depo shot?
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If a person gets the depo shot can they have like blood clots in their brain?

A blood clot in the brain is more likely from getting pregnant and delivering a baby than from getting Depo Provera. Talk to your health care provider about your risks factors for stroke, and choose a method accordingly.

Is the depo shot good for a small low weighted person?

yes im small and it works fine with me

Does geritol affect Depo-Provera?

Depo-Provera is very effective birth control method, chances of getting pregnant while using Depo is very, very small. Geritol is a brand of vitamins that will not effect your chances of getting pregnant.

Is brown spotting a sign of pregnancy while on depo?

that's wht i would like to know too, i ve had 3 depo shots and bleeding all time and today had clot size of 20p came out and severe stomach cramp, if anyone can answer this question please email me on ty

What is the definition of depo?

definition of DEPO packed

What is the generic form of depo provera?

depo medroxyprogesterone acetate is the generic name for Depo Provera.

What does the prefix depo stand for?

The prefix "depo" generally stands for deposit or depositing.

I was on the Depo shot for nine months my last date to get a 4th shot was on Sept 20th but I decided to quit receiving the Depo shot.How long will it really take me to become fertile again?

it can take upto a year or more to become fertile again i hope this helps Some women begin to ovulate shortly after stopping their Depo shots, however many will take 6-12 months before they begin to ovulate regularlly again.

What is good between depo provera injection and depo provera pills?

There is no such thing as a Depo Provera pill.

Can you be on depo shot and have a uti and be pregnant?

Yes. Depo does not prevent UTIs. However, pregnancy is very unlikely on Depo.

Can antibotics help get depo out of your body after last shot?

Antibiotics do not affect Depo Provera, and will not help depo get out of your body faster.

Can the Depo-Provera affect fibromyalgia?

Depo Provera does not treat fibroids.