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Honestly, none. I've been smoking since I was 11. I was the president of FFEA, 1st string Varsity Basketball and Volleyball, Drama Club, ITS, Key Club & SGA. I am a student at UCF and I am currently maintaining a GPA of 3.8. If I didn't smoke weed before a test I usually didn't do my best. For some, marijuana is a recreational drug that helps them emotionally, physically, and mentally. I'm 110% positive that if I had lost all of the brain cells that the DEA says you will lose I would be a vegetable.
Too bad ignorant people blast on marijuana and then go out for drinks and pat themselves on the back for being such upstanding citizens.


Weed does harm you. any type of smoke burns the insides of your it kills your brain cells ima jus leave it there


In a controlled experiment a study showed that alcohol and marijuana actually

PROMOTED brain cell growth.

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14y ago
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13y ago

There are no known adverse affects from short term long term or heavy use of marijuana.(except happiness and the munchees.)

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makes you unmotivated you'll just end up doing nothing smoking pot all day. Not wanted to see the world or anyone in it besides your drug dealer.

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How many teens use marijuana daily?

Almost three and half

How can you pass a urine test if you use marijuana daily?

You can't. Posting any suggestions on how to pass is illegal, by the way. So don't do it. I second the person above me, theres no way, your system is dead inside exactly what is there to show? Hope you dont use marijuana

Should a person that uses marijuana on a daily basis seek substance abuse treatment?

If the use impairs that persons activities or is deemed a problem in any way (by that person him/her self) then definitely YES.

How is marijuana addictive?

depends on person to person marijuana is generally addictive but few people starts hating it even in that state of mind they can use marijuana if they get it, addiction enhance with regular use .........

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Pretty good, I'd say. I'm going on 3.5 years of daily high grade marijuana use, not sure how good the Chinese party though.

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If you were a daily smoker, up to 6 months.

What is marijuana abuse?

Marijuana abuse is when a person can't control themselves when they use marijuana. It's fine to use it, but only if you're smart about it. If you don't get mentally addicted and if you don't get stupid about it.

What are four drugs people use on a daily basis?

Cigarettes, Alcohol, Marijuana, OTC Pain killers.

How often was marijuana used daily for relief for Parkinson's?

You can use it as often as you want, if you want relief all day you would use marijuana about once every 2-5 hours depending on your dosage.

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give an example of how a person might use translations in daily life. Be specific.

How much weed does it need to kill a person?

There has never been anybody to die from marijuana. False, to die from the use of marijuana a person must ingest (smoke) their own body weight of marijuana in a single amount of time. Yet no one has died from overuse of marijuana.

How many grams of marijuana is personal use?

10 grams is a normal amount for a single person to use in a day.