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Q: What does consuming aspirin on a regular basis reduce the risk of?
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What is bibulosity?

Bibulosity is a fondness for tippling - for consuming alcohol on a regular basis.

What is regular drugs?

Regular drugs are drugs taken by an individual on a daily basis like aspirin, insulin, blood pressure tablets, inhalers for asthma etc.

How does aspirin effect roses?

Aspirin can be dissolved in a vase of water to help prolong the life of the flowers. The aspirin gives them extra nutrients and is usually what is the basis of the packets florists give customers.

Why does a person have his blood pressure checked on a regular basis?

Why does a person have his blood pressure checked on a regular basis?

How can you control your blood lipid levels?

You can control your blood lipid levels by not consuming foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fat. You can also watch your weight and exercises on a regular basis. Making diet changes like eating oats, cold-water fish also can help to reduce triglyceride levels.

Where can a land cruiser go on a regular basis?

Land cruiser are designed to move on hard to reach by regular car terrains. Of course those can be used on regular basis.

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Something a person does on a regular basis.

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Why should water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on regular basis?

The water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on a regular basis to remove the water deposits. The water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on a regular basis to remove the deposits left by the purified water.

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wha type of memory must have it's data restored on a regular basis or it will be lost

Does Wikianswers update the count of members and questions on a daily basis?

Yes. They are updated on a regular basis.

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