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Tolerance means to bear pain or hardship with patience.

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Q: What do you mean by tolerance?
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What does nick mean when he says that tolerance has a limit?

Tolerance has a limit means tolerance is a capability and every capability has a limit

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What does cultivating tolerance mean?

Cultivating tolerance is to teach, as with one's self, acceptance, patience and understanding of people and situations.

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What words mean acceptance of differences?

The word you want is tolerance.

What does the term positional tolerance mean?

Positional tolerance is the total permissible variation in a location of a feature about its theoretically exact location with respect to the datum.

What does tolerance mean in social studies?

It means when you accept to all religious.

What does religious tolerance mean?

it means that they want more countrys to unite .

What does tolerance mean with respect to an electrical component?

A tolerance of 10% means that the component's "size" will be within plus or minus 10% of its stated "size". A tolerance of 1% means that the component's "size" will be within plus or minus 1%

What does the phrase tolerance for ambiguity mean?

we should must compromise on doubtful things

What is tolerances in photo shop cs5?

You will find tolerance when for example you want to create working path from selection. Tolerance mean how accurate or tolerant will be path compared to selection.

What does the zero-tolerance law mean?

Zero Tolerance Laws allow for no exceptions. For example, Virginia's zero tolerance law is that if a driver under the age of 21 is pulled over and is found to have any, even a trace, amount of alcohol in their system, they will be arrested.