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Start your new pack immediately. You can start the next pack the minute you realize the rest of your pill pack has been skipped. You probably won't get a period until the inert pills at the end of the next pack--that's normal. If you skip an entire month of pills, you will be left unprotected. If you start the next pack a week late, like your questions implies, use a backup method for a week.

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13y ago
You can start the pack still.You can start them today (wed) and continue like you normally would when taking Birth Control pills. The only difference is you will stop early. You should stop on Saturday the 29th then you will have a week for your period. Then you'll be all caught up and ready to start the new pack that next Sunday. Hope this helps and not too confusing AnswerYou can start the new pack today but you will need to start your packet on the Wend. pill and you will also need to use a "back up" protection such as a condom so you won't get pregnant.
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Q: What do you do if you accidentally threw away your birth control pills a week early and is it ok to start your new pack this Sunday as you normally would or do you need to wait until your next cycle?
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Normally the birth control pill takes ten days to be reliable. But that is when you take it as directed, {depends on the pill but} generally the first Sunday after your period begins.

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You can start your birth control the Sunday after your period.

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Depends. If you just got your birth control and you have never had it before.. What you do is take it the Sunday after your period. For example. You started on a Monday. You ended on a Thursday. You take your birth control that Sunday. If you have taken birth control before.. Yes, you take it. Whether you are on or off.

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Can you start birth control during your period?

Yes you can start birth control while on your period. Usually your doctor will tell you to start on a Sunday so it's easier to remember when you first started your pack.If you get your period on the Sunday you start you still start on birth control.

When should you start birth control for a weekday period?

Sunday after your period

If you were instructed to start taking birth control the first Sunday after the start of your next period and your period started on Monday when should you start the birth control?

The next Sunday. __________________________ With Sunday start, you're supposed to start on the Sunday of getting your period, or the following Sunday. For example: You start your period on Sunday : START YOUR BC. You start your period Wednesday... WAIT TIL SUNDAY TO START. **make sure to read the inserts that come with your birth control, or go to the manufacturers website, the information is there for a reason!

When do you ovulate if you're on the birth control pill?

Normally a woman does not ovulate while taking the birth control pill. This is the birth control pill's primary method of action.

How start birth control?

Usually pills are started on the first SUNDAY after your period.