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Q: What do you call medicine to make someone sick?
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Can blood pressure medicine make someone sick?

Yes, blood pressure medication can make someone sick. If the person finds that they are allergic to it, or that their dosage is too high, it can make them ill.

A medicine given to someone to make them sick when they have eaten something piosonous?

I think it's Epikak

How do you get a germ?

Example: If someone is sick and they touch the phone and then you come and touch the phone to make a call and you don't know that the person is sick.... (that is how you get germs.)

What do you call someone who thinks they are constantly sick?

that's a hypochondriac.

Soul silver when will baoba call?

After returning to the sick Pokemon in the light tower (bring your medicine from Cianwood with you).

do you really know what to do when some one is hurt or sick?

check his/her temperature and give them medicine

What do you call someone who gets sick at sight of dog poop?


What are the release dates for Don't Make Me Sick - 2009 Laughter is the Best Medicine 1-6?

Don't Make Me Sick - 2009 Laughter is the Best Medicine 1-6 was released on: USA: 9 November 2009

Can spitting at or on someone make them sick?


How do you make your children call in sick at school without there grades going down on sims 2?

There is no option to call in sick to school.

Make a sentence with the word sick?

I had to call in sick to work today because I have the flu.

What medicine can you take for a pregnant women if sick?

What kind of sick? You need to call your doctor and ask. When pregnant you can never take any medication without asking the doctor first.