

Best Answer

I am prescribed to 120 2mg Xanax each day, so yes 4 bars a day. Unlike pain pills, they have not come out with many detox medications for Xanax. SO, I'll tell you from MY point of view how to detox from Xanax ...... FIRST, you will of course have to wing off of Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, or whatever. Reducing the dose over time is the first part .... Second and most important overall, because most people wouldn't have to take these pills if they did this anyways, WORK OUT A LOT. Cardio Cardio Cardio .... Make yourself so worn out that you naturally want to fall asleep. If you can keep a regimin of cardio workouts going for about 2 weeks, then you have the hardest part behind you .....

Some may ask why am I prescribed to them then, and why am I not off?? ... Because I choose to stay on them, and truly CAN stop when I want ..... Just takes a couple days of healthy eating, and a lot of sweat .....

Another Answer

Be smart and work with an MD to detox from this and other prescription medications. Attempting to free yourself from them on your own or based on advice you read from an unregulated Web site such as this one is flat-out foolish. You're gambling with your health in this task unless you work with a professional.

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Q: What do they give you to detox from Xanax?
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If i took 2 mg of xanax three days in a row how long until it is eliminated from my body?

Xanax is in the Benzo family and this question can not be answered without the time line that you have been taking the xanax. I have been taking the xanax for 12 years so my detox would be pronounced. If it has been a month then it will take a fairly short amount of time. Any Benzo detox should be supervised by a Doctor because anyone can experience seizures and there are documented deaths as a result of the detox of the Benzo class of medication

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Can xanax give you a heart attack?

Xanax is prescribed for panic attacks. Panic attacks have been known to mimic a heart attack, but the Xanax has the ability to quiet the concerns.

Does Lamotrigine give you the same feeling as Xanax?

no it doesn't

If you have to take a drug test tomorrow in court for xanax how long does it take to get clean with assure detox?

Longer than it will take to make your court date and drug test.

Is Anyone currently on suboxone and Xanax?

Yes. Suboxone is primarily used to help with the treatement of opiate addiction. It is a wonderful drug to detox from opiate addiction and avoid withdrawal when used properly and under a physicians care. Xanax is used as part of the treatment to assit with anxiety and sleep.

Where can I find more information about detox diets?

You can go to a nutritionist. He or she will be able to give you all the information and tools that you need to start a detox diet.

Can Suboxone be used for anxiety?

Suboxone will not adequately treat Xanax withdrawal, since the two drugs act very differently in your body. Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist while Xanax deals with GABA. Suboxone does not deal with GABA and Xanax does not deal with opioid receptors.

How long does Ambien and xanax stay in system?

Chronic use (6 months or more of daily use)of Xanax can take as long as 4-6 weeks to completely detox. Recreational use is usually 3-5 days depending on body weight, mg's taken, duration of use, etc. Ambien is a grey area. As far as I know there is no commercially available drug test to determine if ambien is present in urine. However, it does replicate benzos like Xanax & acts on similar receptors in the brain. So logic tells me the detox time would be similar. but I can't say for sure... Most pharmaceuticals that are not chronically abused take between 3-5 days to detox. Im no Dr. Just a regular dude who pushed my limits way too far.

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How much Xanax can you give a 36 pound dog to heavily sedate them for grooming?

You would NEVER give a dog Xanax for sedation. Human medications do not mix well with dogs or any animals & can cause death. Check with your Veterinarian about what sort of sedation to give your dog that would be safe.