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It depends on the person and the drug in question. Most side effects include drowsiness, urinary retention (my least favorite), dental problems (long term usage), constipation if you don't know how to take them properly, and mood swings. Mood swings, though, are a combination of the pain and the drugs themselves. Knowing what the side effects are and how they affect your health helps to deal with problems before they arise. For example, my family knows that the strong opiates I use affect my mood, and will give me space to be alone when needed. It's important for them to understand that as well, because if they didn't they might think I was angry because of something they did.

For the most part though, the biggest effect on health is to improve it - without the opiates I use my life would essentially be a living hell. With them I lead a fairly normal life and can do most things I used to do.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Painkillers do a number of things to your body. The main thing is to stop pain and they do this by destructing with nerves that send signals to the brain about pain and injury.

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You do a Michael Jackson and peg it

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They kill

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What are two of the body's natural painkillers?

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What are the impacts on society of morphine?

Morphine gives you greater amounts of endorphin and enkephalin wich are the body's natural painkillers.

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How does the body's pain warning system function?

The body's pain warning system involves specialized nerve cells called nociceptors that detect injury or potential harm. When activated by stimuli like heat, pressure, or chemicals, nociceptors send signals to the brain through the spinal cord, triggering the sensation of pain. This system helps protect the body by alerting us to potential threats and promoting behaviors that prevent further damage.

Are painkillers illegal?

No, not all painkillers are illegal. There is a certain limit however to how strong the painkiller can be. Some of the strongest ones that are sold are things like Tylenol and Morphine. Do not take them too much or your body can get addicted and dependent. Doctors are only allowed to give painkillers of a certain strength since anything above that strength can cause almost immediate addiction, and terrible health problems. So, some painkillers are legal - and others not. I hope that was helpful!

Do painkillers affect the contraceptive implant?

Painkillers do not affect hte contraceptive implant.

What can pain killers be used to treat?

Painkillers, are medicines, or drugs designed to reduce pain in your body. Actually they don't reduce the pain or even kill it. They fool your body into thinking there is no pain by killing all signals of pain to the brain. It is not safe to take very strong painkillers a lot or you can get addicted. I hope I helped!

What are the release dates for Painkillers - 2005 SUSPENDED?

Painkillers - 2005 SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 2006

Where can i buy otc painkillers?

In the UK, over the counter painkillers can be bought at chemists and supermarkets, etc.

How do painkillers dissolve?

Painkillers dissolve in the stomach and intestinal fluids of the body. Once ingested, the outer coating of the pill breaks down, allowing the active ingredients to be released and absorbed into the bloodstream. From there, the painkillers can travel to the affected area and reduce pain signals.

What is the collective noun given to painkillers?

There is no standard collective noun for the noun 'painkillers'. However, collective nouns are an informal part of language. Any noun that suits the context can function as a collective noun; for example a bottle of painkiller, a packet of painkillers, an excess of painkillers, etc.

Do Otc painkillers make you constipated?

Sometimes. It depends on what your genes are, and if you have had any problems in the past. It also depends on your body type. It all depends on the person.