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You could be expelled or suspended from school if you test positive for meth.

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Q: What could happen if you test possitive for meth at school?
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Does meth affect teeth?

No it does not. It would be nice if you could be a little more specific. Are you talking about meth mouth? If so it can happen, but is preventable. The only reason it happen is because of the lack of moisture. Ever heard of cotton mouth? Well Amphetamines can cause dryness of the mouth, but not all the time. Chewing on sugarless gum or staying hydrated can prevent meth mouth. Throat damage from meth? Never heard of such a thing.

What will happen if you mix meth and clonazepam and darvacet and percoset?

You Die

What would happen if someone injected meth into their heart?

If someone injected meth into their heart it would kill them.If someone injected meth into there heart, it will increase the speeds of their breathing, heart rate, thoughts and actions.

What would happen if you got caught with 56 grams of meth?

prison time

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Crack weed meth

Why maths lab is important in school?

You have a meth lab? that's illegal

Could you be pregnant or could it be the meth drug making you sick?

preggos probs

Could aspartame cause a false positive for meth?

yup ! and it will !

What are the signs if your small dog eat meth?

and what do i do

What would happen if asbestos was put in a meth pipe and smoked?

It would probably scar the lungs, assuming you could even light it. Asbestos was designed to be fire retardant. It would not make someone high.

Does meth make people abusive?

For some people, meth can cause feelings of agitation and can lead to aggressive behavior. This could lead to the person being abusive. For some people, meth can cause feelings of agitation and can lead to aggressive behavior. This could lead to the person being abusive.

What can happen if someone does meth Viagra and steroids on a daily basis and has a bullet in his head?

Very likely, death.