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Have you beed checked for a Hernia?

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Q: What could be wrong if you have had a heart flutter for many years and it now hurts a bit and causes you to burp a lot afterwards?
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What cause your heart to flutter?

1st of all go to a Dr and get it assessed... if it is fluttering all the time it could be a very dangerous rhythm. A Dr will know what to do. You need a heart monitor to assess the rhythm, then if it is indeed "fluttering" medications and/or a procedure known as ablation either radio or cryo could resolve it.

What is a sentence for the word flutter?

She felt her heart flutter when he waved.

Can taking fiber capsules cause heart flutter I just upped my fiber intake to lower cholesterol. Since then I get a flutter in my chest once in a while.?

The flutter could be tiny air bubbles, due to the higher fibre, moving about

When you kiss your best friend and it's the best kiss you have ever had are you in love with them?

If it made your heart flutter, and meant a lot to you it could be. If it's your first kiss, it could be the flutter of just being kissed. I can never say for a person if you're in love or not, but there might be some feelings there for them :).

What happens with atrial flutter?

Atrial flutter-- Rapid, inefficient contraction of the upper chamber of the heart.

Heart flutter caused by chemo and menopause?

thats a big possibility

Can indigestion make your heart flutter?

No. Indigestion generally has no effect on the heart whatsoever. The sensations caused by indigestion can feel very much like a "heart flutter", however. In fact, it can sometimes be difficult for a physician to differentiate between the two without further testing. If you are concerned that you may be experiencing heart flutter, I would recommend seeing your doctor for an EKG (electrocardiogram) at the very least, to rule out any sort of heart problem.

Difference between atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter?

They're he same thing. Atrial flutter is more of a slang term, and is sometimes found in patients with atrial tachycardia. Basically, atrial fibrillation is a disorder, and atrial flutter is a symptom

What is abnormal fluttering of the heart beat?

A heart flutter could meen palpitation, which is what a random fluttering of the heart is, or could mean an illness such as heart diesise. It all depends on how old you are, if you are young it could just mean palpatation which shouldn't really give you any harm, but if your an older person it well could mean an illness, however it could just mean palpatation even if you are an older person. But what ever it is I would have it checked at the doctors incase of anything. They would normally take your blood pressure ect. I have little flutters now and then and I'm young but I wouldn't worry about anything.

What causes a low heart rate in unborn babies?

There are many causes to low heart rate in unborn babies. One of the causes could be not enough oxygen to the baby.

What is Flutter and fibrillation and heart block?

3 different heart rhythms... though flutter and fibrillation when talking about the atria are very very similar... many different kins of heart block... if its 3rd its time to goto the hospital and get a pacemaker. even some of the higher type II's

How is an atrial flutter treated?

usually treated with medications and/or electrical shock (cardioversion). In some cases, removal of a small portion of the heart (ablation), implantation of a pacemaker or a cardioverter defibrillator, or maze surgery is needed