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Q: What classification of drug is Dilaudid?
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Can you inject generic 8mg hydromorphone - dilaudid?

oxymorphone is the drug name for Opana. Dilaudid is hydromorphone.

What is stronger oxycodone or Dilaudid?

Oxycodone is a narcotic drug with no acetaminophin or Ibprofrin. Dilaudid is not mixed with anything. Dilaudid is also stronger than morphine, as is Oxycodone. 5mg dilaudid is equivalent to approx. 40mg of morphine. Do not take any drug unless ordered by a doctor, as either drug can cause severe problems if taken improperly. Oxycodone is an immediate release drug where Oxycontin is the same as Oxycodone but as a time release.

Does Dilaudid show up on drug testing?

No, not for a urine test.

What category of drug does hydromorph contin come up as on a drug test?

Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is an Opiod.

What does Dilaudid show up as in urine test?

Dilaudid is an opioid and an analgesic. When a person takes this and is drug tested it will show up as an opiate.

Will you test positive on a drug screen if injected with Dilaudid?

Absolutely. Dilaudid is a Schedule II controlled substance and synthetic opiate analgesic.

Does Vicodin and Dilaudid show up the same on a drug test?


What is the drug classification for aerobid?

aerobid classification

What does Exalgo show up as in a urine drug test?

Either Hydromorphone or Dilaudid based on how the Tester reports results. Exalgo is Extended Release Dilaudid.

What is the drug classification of zovirax?

antiviral drug

What does Dilaudid show up as on a blood drug test?

It will show up as an OPIATE...

What does exalgo show up as on a drug test?

Exalgo will show up on a drug test as Hydromorphone or dilaudid depending on the tester. Hydromorphone is the actual name for Exalgo and dilaudid is one of its brand names. This is for a standard urine test.