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You can try Tylenol (NON ASPIRIN).

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Q: What can you take for pain when you can't take aspirin due to hepatitis B years ago?
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Is it safe to use aspirin and Paxil?

Yes, I have been on paxil for years, I also have been on allot of pain killers. everything from aspirin, Tylenol, Vicodin, and morphine.

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How can aspirin help you?

By taking this medicine, the pain youre feeling will be gone. Aspirin have chemicals in it which are pain killers..

Aspirin is often used to lower fever and ease body pain Today aspirin is made in factories by combining chemicals But many years ago aspirin was made from nature From what was it made back then?


Why are Aspirin important?

aspirin is fabulous invention because it relives pain rapidly and it helps when you have a muscle pain I am a Doctor

How do aspirin and ibuprofen lessen the sensation of pain?

It's because they numb pain receptors. Aspirin numbs the pain receptors in the brain, ibuprofen numbs the nerve that first senses the pain

What is a safe pain killer to take with aspirin?

Answerpain killers shoud not be taken with aspirin. aspirin is a form of pain killer, could over medicate. Also aspirin thins the blood. consult a Doc.If you have an Rx Narcotic Pain Killer, you should be able to take it with aspirin. You should not use another NSAID (ie Aceitamenophen, Naproxen, Ibueprofen, etc.).

What aspirin should you use for a pain?


What can you give as pain relief for chickens?

Chickens can have aspirin for pain relief. You can drop a tablet of aspirin in their water and this will help relive any pain.

Why don't they make liquid aspirin for adults that cant swallow a pill?

Alka-Seltzer Effervescent for Acid Indigestion and Pain Relief has aspirin in it. It has a lot of sodium, however, so it should not be used for a long time, nor should it be used at all by anyone who should avoid sodium. Follow directions carefully. Walgreens sells a liquid pain reliever (labeled for children) but it may not contain aspirin. Tylenol also makes a liquid pain reliever.

Does Alka-Seltzer Original Effervescent Antacid Pain Reliever contian aspirin?

Alka-Seltzer Original Effervescent Antacid Pain Reliever contains aspirin

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