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I heard that if you drink 8 Monster Energy Drinks that it cleans your system. You can also drink a lot of water to flush your system out. But if you are so worried about getting caught with THC in your system maybe you should look into different activities to save yourself the trouble.

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What can cleanse your system of marijuana afternot smoking for months and then taking 3 hits?

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Q: What can you do to cleanse your system after smoking marijuana?
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How do you cleanse from smoking marijuana once?

drink a lot of water

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The only way that you can completely cleanse cotinine (nicotine) out of your system is to quit smoking. Once you have quit smoking, drinking lots of water and exercise can help cleanse the rest of the nicotine out of your system.

How can you cleanse your body to rid THC?

The way to cleanse a body to rid THC is to drink lots of water. Stop smoking the marijuana. One can also take pills that will flush the system clean or mask the drug.

Will four cups of cranberry juice cleanse marijuana?

No. marijuana can take months to leave your system. a drug test weeks after smoking it can still come up positive. The cranberry juice is a myth.

What can take Marijuana out of your system permanently?

Not smoking it!

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I do believe after one month of smoking marijuana it will clear out of your system but I also believe it depends on how long you were smoking tge marijuana for.

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niacin will not clear out your system, only time will

What are other ways can you get marijuana in your system?

stop smoking it

Can you get marijuana in blood system if someone is smoking it?


How do you get marijuana out of your system in less than a day?

By not smoking it.

Does alcohol help cleanse marijuana?

No it absolutely does not. No liquids can flush your system because the THC is stored in your fat cells.

How long does marijuana stay on your system wild smoking on a pipe?

30 days