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Ailments for which the medical use of cannabis may be beneficial include: Addiction, Arthritis, Appetite Loss, Nausea, Cancer Chemotherapy, AIDS Wasting Syndrome, Nausea From Cancer, Chemotherapy, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, Depression, Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders, Dystonia, Asthma, Brain Injury/Stroke, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Depression, Mental Illness, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure/Hypertension, Migraine, Nail Patella Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Tourette's Syndrome. Just to name a few.

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Q: What can let you receive medical marijuana in California?
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Does urine work as blossom booster on medical marijuana?

It might, why don't you give it a try and let us know what happens. :)

Can you fly from Montana to California with your medical marijuana?

That depends on where you are and where you are flying. If you are flying between states, then marijuana is considered to be completely illegal and they will treat it as such. If you are flying within a state where medical marijuana is allowed, someone may be able to get away with it, depending on airline policies. The short answer is: Not in most cases.

Is marijuana helpful from pimples and acne?

There's a lot of talk about supposed medical benefits of marijuana, so let me list here all of the uncontested one (that is, the ones that everyone agrees on):It gets you high.Anything else is at best not proven.

You are on parole can you get a medical marijuana card?

The supreme court said this law presumes (assumes) that a criminal defendant may continue the authorized use of medical marijuana while on probation. Before the court can rule otherwise, it is up to the prosecutor to present specific evidence that prohibiting medical marijuana use is “necessary and appropriate to accomplish the goals of sentencing.” The supreme court said that a prosecutor could use evidence from the presentence investigation report, the defendant’s criminal history, or an evaluation like a drug and alcohol presentence evaluation to support his or her argument that a prohibition against medical marijuana is needed in a particular case. But future defendants with state-issued medical marijuana authorization cards will not need to bring their doctors to court to defend their right to take medical marijuana while on probation.

How big do indoor marijuana plants get?

As big as you let them.

Does L.A.P.D care if you smoke marijuana?

Of course its a drug. unless you NEED marijuana to live then theyll let you go.

Is medical marijuana legal in New Jersey?

Possession of marijuana is illegal in New York. If you are arrested for charges relating to possession of marijuana, the penalties you face will often depend on the amount of marijuana in your possession and the intended use. It's best to be safe and enjoy your trip without taking any chances with marijuana.

How do get marijuana out of your system?

You don't you have to let it just ware off

If marijuana gets wet can you still smoke it?

Let it dry first.

In what states is it legal to grow marijuana?

None of them. California, Colorado, and Seattle have decriminalized it under a certain set of circumstances, meaning they only decline to prosecute.

How many of the top eleven drugs abused by twelfth graders are prescription and over-the-counter drugs?

Well let me tell you that number 1.marijuana im not sure about the rest. But marijuana if ur in a medical marijuana state is prescription if not its illegal. I know some kids used to use Robitussin to get drunk or high. Some just use Nyquil to get drunk use it like a mixed drink.

How long does it take to become addicted to marijuana?

If you try marijuana once, you are most likely to be addicted