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Cut a potato in half and put it on the abcess, leave it there until swelling and redness goes away. If it doesn't get better soon, go see a doctor.

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Q: What can i do for an absest i got from meth injection?
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eminem he is the best im not absest with him but he is the best

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Probably meth.

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I - Almost Got Away with It 2010 Got to Build a Meth Lab 5-4 was released on: USA: 2 May 2012

How long if injection of meth does it take to leave systemw?

Not very long. Probably a week at the most. The average would be about 72 hours.

How do people do meth?

Meth is most typically snorted or smoked, but it's possible to inject. Obviously, injection is the most dangerous route of administration since the drug is notorious for impurities when found on the street.

Did Adolf Hitler do drugs and if he did what?

Hitlers personal physician was injecting him with a drug called "vitamultin" which contained several different drugs. Meth, Codine, vitamins , a viariety of drugs where in this injection. He got an injection of vitamultin several times a day until he died on July 20th 1945.

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Yes, how high depends on the amount of boost and if the system has an intercooler or meth injection.

What would happen if you got caught with 56 grams of meth?

prison time

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Krystal got her name by the drug "crystal meth." NO JULIE.