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not much. You might get a little high, but the chemicals that cause the "high" are mostly found in the bud. The leaves are just harsh on your lungs and taste gross

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13y ago
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13y ago

no but they dont have high concentrations of THC. Its better to use them for something else

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13y ago

Depending on the plant you can get sick or die or get dizzy

If it's pot; you'll get high.

plain and simple.

just thought it'd add that.


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11y ago

After three weeks it will be completely out of the body through urination.

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Q: What can happen if you smoke leaves?
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Nah...smoke is too harsh, takes a lot of leaves and crap to smoke to get the right amount of DMT in your system that way.

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Why burning of leaves injurious to health?

Burning of leaves can lead to inhalation of smoke (particularly if those leaves are tobacco).

Can you smoke a premature weed leaf?

You would have to be desperate enough to smoke the leaves but you can smoke the leaves but I would not recommended it as it will give you a very sore throat and maybe a headache!!The smaller leaves near the buds are OK to smoke I believe. When I had no cigarettes I smoked paper and you may get the sort of feeling when you smoke the leaves,no good for your lungs haha..Hope this has helped some people,Brian_Chester UK

Should you smoke the leaves from a weed plant?

not really since they are usually low on thc u want to smoke the buds. but u still can smoke the leaves dried but it wont get you as high as buds would which grow during harvest time

Its tobacco and dry leaves and barks smoke by Indians?

yes it is

How long do the leaves stay on smoke trees?

About 2 months

Is smoke the same thing as smoke?

Smoking means to smoke a cigarette or cigar. Tobacco is the leaves of a plant dried and prepared for snuff, chewing, or smoking

Are weed leaves stronger than weed when you smoke it?

NO! the leaves contain less THC than the actual buds.

What happen when you continue to smoke?

it hurts your health