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Well, it can't be good, try to avoit it. If it does happen, take your dog to the vet immediently!

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Q: What can happen if a dog gets a hold of a xanax?
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What could happen if a dog eats a Xanax?

Xanax is not a cat medication. You should call your veterinarian.

How much xanax would you give a 75lb dog?

do not waste your xanax on a dog. there are better medicines and they are cheap. they are also reccomended for dogs as a xanax could cause doggie withdraws or something. if u have xanax to spair i suggest you hook me up.

What do you think will happen to the dog eventually?

Of course, when it gets old or has a (bad)sickness, it will die.

What would happen if your dog gets high?

he would be high,til he comes down

What is the dosage of xanax for a 75 pound dog?

Never never give your dog human medication. All medications should be given by a Veterinarian. If your dog has a medical problem, take him or her in to be checked out by your Veterinarian. You could kill your dog with giving it human medications.

Do dogs need dog collars?

Yes. Its best that dogs do have collars because lets say your dog gets lose and runs away, if animal control gets a hold of it... its going to the dog pound. But if it does thry could return it to you, and it shows that the dog is registered.

What is the dosage of Xanax you can give your dog?

************( posted by someone else)Xanax is actually a prescribed medicine for dogs.As long as you have a prescription from your vet it is safe to give to your dog. If you are unsure of the dose or the current dose is not working, you should contact your vet to discuss your options.My dog is on xanax, she is 13lbs and can take up to .5mg a day.Just so everyone knows, the xanax dogs take is the exact same kind that humans take, my dog's prescription was filled at a Kroger pharmacy.It is absolutely not safe to dose your dog with your xanax though. Vets know your dogs condition and any possible reasons your dog could be harmed by ANY medicine. ALWAYS get medicine from a veterinarian for your animals, that is the only way you can know the correct dose to administer.After all we would not give our children prescription medication without discussing it with a doctor, same goes for your pets!!!!

What if dog is fixed but gets a female?

Nothing will happen. She won't get pregnant, since he lacks the tools to impregnate her.

Can you give your dog a small amount of xanax for nail trimming No one can hold him down?

NO. Take your dog to a vet if he is resisting to have his nails clipped. If the dog is reacting to the clippings as if he were in pain then you might be cutting too short. If he just has a fear of getting his nails clipped than take him to the vet or a groomer to have it done.

What is the dosage of xanax for a 16 pound dog?

Do not give Xanax or any other medication to your dog without consulting a veterinarian. Do not take dosage information off a website where anybody can post an answer. Call your vet so you don't accidentally hurt or kill your dog,period.

What will happen if you throw your dog off The Cliffs of Dover and into the water?

Three things could happen: 1- The dog gets impaled on the rocks bellow. 2- The dog drowns in the water bellow. 3- The dog manages to swim out of the water bellow and onto dry land before chewing your face off.

What would happen if you taser your dog?

The dog could very well die depending on how long you hold the tazer. Either way he is going to be electrically shocked.