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The withdrawal symptoms of Effexor XR include restlessness, irritability, weight gain, and tremors. Dose reduction is recommended to reduce possible side effects. Discontinuing use suddenly is not recommended.

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14y ago
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13y ago

When i run out of my effexor by the 2nd day i experience symptoms. These include first i start to get very anxious, followed by diarhea, cold sweats, hot flashes, then comes these very weird hard to describe actions in my brain that I call brain jolts. It literally feels like there are misfiring electrical impulses randomly going off in my brain when i make sudden movements. They throw off my balance and actually hurt a little, but most of all they make me irratable and sick feeling. They are so bad I afraid to ever qiut effexor even if I don't need it any more. The withdrawl symptoms from what I read mimic opiate withdrawls. In plain English they suck! I usually have to drink alcohole or poppyseed juice to ease the pain until my script is filled.

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15y ago

venlafaxine is the generic name for the drug efexxor, which is an SNRI or serotonin-norephinephrine reuptake inhibitor. some side effects of stopping the medicine "cold turkey" would be dizziness, a feeling as if you are getting zapped by electricity, sweating, nausea, vertigo, tremor and confusion. you would be better off slowly reducing your dose as so then the symptoms will not come at all or will be very mild as compared to what they could be

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14y ago

Under a doctor's supervision, I am switching my medications from Effexor XR to another anti-depressant. I am currently weaning off the Effexor and experiencing irritability, restless sleep, more anxiety than usual. I also can't appear to think straight. I am also experiencing brain "zaps" if I make any sudden physical moves, or if I look in a lot of different directions which also makes me feel slightly dizzy. My best to you if you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms.

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Yes. Fatigue is the most common symptom - usually for a few days to a week.

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You stopped taking Effexor xr 4 days ago how long do withdrawal symptoms last?

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Common withdrawl symptoms differ depending on the drug. They are usually from shaking, to fevers, to sweating. Those are pretty common as well as stomach cramping.

How do you spell the word withdrawl?

The correct spelling is withdrawal.An example sentence is "Sarah playfully claims to have chocolate withdrawal symptoms".