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The withdraw from diazapam depends on the amount used and how long. Seizure is the most common with headaches and shaking, sweats, insomnia, and anxiety. It is one of the worst things to get addicted to. There is nothing to help. The only way to prevent withdraw is to taper your dose down for a few weeks and then stop. It depends how long and how strong the dose.

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14y ago

On a low dose, like 2 to 5 mgs, you will feel drowsy, a little dizzy and relaxed. Walking has to be done slower, as you feel like you could fall over.

On higher dose 10-20 mgs, walking becomes more difficult, you will get more drowsy and your body feels heavy and sloppy. You become sort of drunk.

Doses over 20mgs, you will likely fall asleep.

As with all medications, effects vary from person to person!!!!

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13y ago

Common side effects from diazepam include drowsiness, dizziness , blurred vision, headache , fatigue , muscle weakness, memory loss, skin rash, diarrhea, dry mouth, stomach upset, decreased sexual drive, and an altered appetite.

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