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Q: What are the side of effects of pixie dust the drug?
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As with other drugs, there are side effects of taking the hypertension drug, bezide. Some of the side effects include gout, impotence and rash.

What are the side effects of politics?

to leave people in the dust

Can you just stop taking Effexor and what are the side effects if you do?

No, must gradually decrease the dosage. Usually the action of the drug is more important than the side effects. Unless there are ongoing difficult side effects, the drug need not be discontinued ifs it is beneficial. Usually when there are side effects when starting the drug, they may be transient and will stop after taking the drug for awhile.

What is meant by side effects of a drug why are side effects produced and why are drugs still used if they have side effects?

Why drugs are still used if they have side effects? -I feel that doctors prescribe meds with risks of some side effects because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of the side effects. That is why your docter monitors you while on the med to make sure you are not effected greatly by the side effects. Where there is a positive there is a negitive. -Side effects are unintentional effects apart from the intended effect of the drug. Drug side effects usually vary per person, and a lot of the time are just possibilities, not certainties. That is why, as the previous answer states, you are monitored by a doctor while using a drug with potentially dangerous or lethal side effects. Yes, side effects can include death. (:0) For example, side effects of a pill could include rectal bleeding. This is not the desired effect of the drug, just a possible, and most of the time unwanted, effect of using a sexual impotency drug.

Common drug side effects?


What has the author Frederick T Fraunfelder written?

Frederick T. Fraunfelder has written: 'Drug-induced ocular side effects' -- subject(s): Adverse effects, Drug effects, Drug interactions, Drug therapy, Drugs, Eye, Iatrogenic Disease, Ocular pharmacology, Outlines, Side effects

What are the side effects of deworming your puppy?

The possible side effects of deworming will depend on the drug used. With the commonly used dewormers, side effects are rare.

What is the medical term meaning harmful side effects of a drug?

Adverse Effects

What are adverse effects of morphine?

Morphine is the drug of addiction. You can get addicted to this drug with first injection. Other side effects are minor.

What are the side effects of the drug Endone?

you get real drowsy.