An abcess is a serious dental problem, that needs to be professionaly treated, right away. If it is NOT treated, you may develop a serious blood stream infection, that may lead to permanent dmage to your heart, your brain and your eyes. A systemic blood infection may even lead to death, if un-treated. Treatment will include a 7 to 14 day course of multi spectrum anti biotics, to kill the infection and reduce the swelling at the site of the infection, followed by x-rays of the site, to establish the extent of the involvement, in other words, what teeth are affected by this disease. Finally, oral surgery will be done to remove the affected tooth, or teeth, and possibly some jaw bone that had become infected as well. Replacement tooth or teeth will be in order, a few weeks after the surgery swelling goes down. A further course of anti- biotics, after the surgery will also be ordered. Do not delay treatment of this serious condition. Jim Bunting. Toronto.
It is obvious by your question that this tooth has been absessed for some time. If you have never had these symptoms before, they could or could not be related this is why you should firstly make an apt. with your doctor. This is not normal. Secondly make an apt. with your dentist and have your tooth treated.
How SERIOUS is it? Come on, now. If someone tells you here that its not serious, what will that do for you? You have an absessed tooth. And it sounds like the infection is spreading to your sinuses. Don't screw around with this. Make a dental appointment. Or if money is an issue, contact a dental school to see if you can get low-cost or no-cost treatment. ~ T
No. Generally speaking an absessed tooth can be saved by antibiotic therapy and root canal therapy together. There are times when a tooth cannot be saved though- when not enough tooth structure is left to support a crown or "cap", or when a root is actually fractured. Sometimes an absessed tooth is caused from a periodontal problem or in other words, a gum problem. This requires antibiotics and debridement or "deep cleaning" - or surgery.
yes you do and be very catious , because the blistering will eventually cause a infection, which will eventually cause a swollen cheek !
Yes, if you leave it in your ear the whole time, you'll look like a complete moron.
You may have an absessed tooth.... could possibly need a root canal. Best to see your dentist. They will probably give you antibiotics first.
he is absessed with my boyfriend..... they are is gross i know!!!! u know u love me xoxo gossip girl
pudding or soup... when its bigger enough if your in awful pain and don't want to go to the doctor you could pop it with a toothpick OS something sharp. soft stuff, the softer the better :)
You could become septic, the infection could spread to your brain. You are also at VERY high risk for cardiovascular disease and damage if it isn't dealt with in a timely manner.
Canine tooth
Your teeth are part of your digestive system. Tooth decay weakens a tooth and affects the way a person bites and chews food.
It's spelled BUCCAL and it's the cheek side of the tooth as opposed to the lingual or tongue side.