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nothing, just the fact that it's illegal so don't get caught=]

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15y ago

* inebriation * getting caught if it is illegal in your state * damages cells in bronchial passages * decrease the body's immune system

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Q: What are the risk of marijuana?
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What is the risk of using marijuana?

enjoying yourself

Can marijuana increase the risk of becoming infected with HIV?


Can you grow and ship medical marijuana to California?

you can, but it is a risk.. and do not ship out of state

What are the risks of medical marijuana?

There is no risk. If there was, why would doctors give it to cancer patients?

Is marijuana additive?

Only that - that was sprayed in the fields by the DEA.

Does marijuana increase the risk of cancer more than tobacco?

no, they sell it as a prescription drug.

Can you be arrested if someone is growing marijuana in my house?

Yes and your house may be at risk for seizure.

What is the major health risk in using marijuana?

The chief legitimate concern is the effect of smoking on the lungs

Does smoking marijuana mess with your bones?

Smoking marijuana can affect bone health by decreasing bone density and potentially leading to a higher risk of fractures. Additionally, smoking marijuana can impair coordination and judgement, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries that could impact bones.

Which of these is not a short-term effect of marijuana use?

Increased risk of chronic bronchitis.

What are the risks of smoking dope?

The risks of using "dope", or marijuana are a hotly debated topic. Although some insist it's potency, it is generally viewed as one of the safest narcotics. The problem with smoking marijuana is the same problem with smoking cigarettes. It may be harmful to the lungs and throat. There are arguably much safer ways of ingesting marijuana, including baking and vaporization. The other risk with using marijuana is it's legality. If you have obtained the marijuana illegally or live in an area of the world where it is illegal to consume marijuana, you risk fines, jail time or even the death penalty if you live in China.

What type of drug poses the greatest risk to teens?

Marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug among teens today. Always has been and probably always will be. Marijuana is the "gateway drug." Marijuana leads to other drug usage, which is why it can be such a risk. Teens that use Marijuana are 99% more likely to use and try other drugs than a teen than has not tried Marijuana.