Trident gum contains approx. 54% sweeteners and 46% other ingredients.
the bad ingredient is that there is a chemical that last the taste.
trident gum is not healthier than bubble gum, trident gum has more sugar.
Trident - gum - was created in 1960.
Absolutely there is in most Trident Layers product anyway.. Any time you see partially or hydrogenated oils listed in the ingredients in a product, it contains trans fat.
Trident does contain ingredients that help fight tooth decay. However, for the most part, Orbit and Trident are simply competing brands of chewing gum.
trident gum was made in the mid 1960's
Yes of course because it can make the gum long lasting.
it is 5 gum because trident gum sucks it has a bad taste and it dosent last that long like 5 gum
Trident last longer than 5 Gum.
trident trident
who owns trident GUM NOT HOTELS??