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What are the dangers of giving a patient with life threatening asthma Benzodiazepines

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Q: What are the dangers of giving a patient with life threatening asthma Benzodiazepines?
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Can asthma kill me?

Usually asthma is chronic disease. It will not kill you directly as such. You have very good drugs to manage the asthma. But there is one condition called as status asthmaticus. It is life threatening condition and demand urgent medical attention. Rarely the patient gets severe asthmatic attack due to some substances, which are inhaled. The powder of salicylic acid and penicillin are noted examples. It can kill the patient, if not treated urgently.

What is severe asthma?

Severe asthma is known as Status Asthmaticus. It is a life-threatening condition that cannot be treated using inhalers.

How does asthma affect children?

Asthma is a respiratory condition which affects children and adults too, unless managed correctly it can be life threatening.

What are the dangers associated with the inhalation of powder lighteners?

respiratory problems, asthma and allergies can be caused by inhaling powder lighteners.

Is bronchial asthma patient can cure?

Once you develop any type of asthma, it's lifelong. all what you can do is avoid common triggers (cold air, tobacco smoke, etc.) and allergens (only if you're allergic) and take medications as prescribed by your doctor to make symptoms absent. If you just developed asthma and you don't know about it get it diagnosed, it can be life threatening if undiagnosed and don't take your medications.

Can propranolol be given to patient with asthma and hypertension?

No propranolol can not be given to patient with asthma, because it increase the bronchial resistance by blocking B2 receptors which consistently worsen asthma, which may even trigger a severe asthma attack.

What drugs do benzodiazepines interact with?

Central nervous system (CNS) depressants such as medicine for allergies, colds, hay fever, and asthma; sedatives; tranquilizers; prescription pain medicine; muscle relaxants.Medicines other than those listed above may interact with benzodiazepines.

What is cilastazole used for?

cilastazole is used for the asthma patient as a mucolytic agent . chithran.A

The study of how disease affects the functioning of the human body?

Asthma is an inflammatory condition which affects the respiratory system. In asthma the airways constrict, making breathing more difficult and causing other symptoms such as wheezing and cough. There are medications, called bronchodilators which help to relax the airways which helps the patient to breathe. For some people, the inflammation of asthma is so severe that it is life threatening.

What has the author Ajay Thapar written?

Ajay Thapar has written: 'Patient education in asthma'

How long could a patient go without an asthmatic pump?

it depends on how bad your asthma is

Learning to Recognize and Avoid Asthma Symptoms?

Asthma is a chronic, manageable disease that causes the airways of sufferers to tighten, impeding normal breathing. If left untreated, asthma attacks can be life-threatening. Asthma sufferers, however, can control the disease by learning to recognize early asthma symptoms, intervening as soon as attacks begin and managing asthma triggers.Recognizing Early Asthma SymptomsEarly signs that herald asthma flareups are often subtle. It is, however, important to recognize these symptoms, because early recognition allows sufferers to use medication to prevent serious attacks. Early symptoms of asthma include:Coughing that worsens at night.Wheezing.Weakness and coughing during exercise.Difficulty sleeping.Restlessness or unexplained moodiness.Exhaustion.Congestion, headache, sore throat or other cold symptoms.Any asthma sufferer who experiences these symptoms should take asthma medication as directed by his or her asthma plan. Anyone without an asthma plan or whose medications do not relieve the asthma symptoms should contact a doctor immediately. Recognizing an Asthma AttackSometimes asthma attacks occur with little warning, so asthma sufferers need to be prepared. Symptoms of an attack include:Difficulty breathing.Inability to talk.Blue lips.Sweating and pallor.Panic.Rapid breathing.Chest pain or tightness.Severe wheezing.Anyone experiencing these symptoms needs treatment. In cases where available prescription medications do not relieve the symptoms, the patient needs to go to the emergency room right away. Asthma attacks can escalate rapidly, so immediate medical attention is required. Preventing Asthma SymptomsWhile it is important to understand how to treat early asthma symptoms and respond to attacks, the best method for dealing with asthma is to prevent asthma symptoms from occurring. Prevention involves taking all prescribed asthma medications and having regular checkups. It also involves learning to recognize and manage asthma triggers. Triggers differ from patient to patient, but the most common asthma triggers include:Exercise, especially in cold, dry air.Irritants, such as dust and fumes.Allergens.Infections.Patients should learn their particular triggers and speak with their doctors about the best strategies to manage them. By preventing asthma symptoms whenever possible and treating occasional attacks promptly, asthma sufferers will be able to better control their asthma.